

How the Destruction of Political Will Doomed a U.S. Population Policy
by Stephen D. Mumford
- Chapter 1 - President Nixon's "Special Message" on Population
Marks the moment in 1969 when the President proposed creation
of the Commission on Population Growth and the American
- Chapter 2 - The "Rockefeller Commission" on Population Growth
President Nixon's remarks upon signing the bill creating the
Commission in 1970, and the Commission's recommendations
submitted in 1972 on nearly 50 areas of policy and action,
including sex education, equal rights for women,
contraception and minors, voluntary sterilization, abortion,
and population stabilization.
- Chapter 3 - The NSSM 200 Directive and the Study Requested
The 1974 Directive signed by Henry Kissinger on behalf of
President Nixon, and the text of the study report,
"Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S.
Security and Overseas Interests."
- Chapter 4 - President Ford's Move toward a U.S. Population Policy
The full text of National Security Decision Memo 314, signed
in 1975 by Brent Scowcroft on behalf of President Ford,
approving almost all of the NSSM 200 recommendations.
- Chapter 5 - What Happened to the Momentum?
Traces the decline from its peak in 1975 of U.S. political
will to deal with the overpopulation problem.
- Chapter 6 - Why Did Our Political Will Fade Away?
Describes the increasing involvement of the Roman Catholic
Church in scuttling any positive action toward implementation
of the NSSM 200 recommendations.
- Chapter 7 - What Was the Role of the Vatican?
How the Reagan Administration altered its foreign aid program
to comply with Vatican insistence on an outright ban on use
of foreign aid funds for the performance or promotion of
- Chapter 8 - The Bishops' "Pastoral Plan"
The master blueprint for the infiltration and manipulation of
the American democratic process at all levels of government.
Includes the complete "unsanitized" text of the U.S. Bishops'
Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities.
- Chapter 9 - Implications of the Pastoral Plan
Analysis of the Plan and its implementation, including the
roles of the Catholic Press Association, Catholic physicians
guilds, Catholic lawyers associations, hospital associations,
lay organizations -- and the paralyzing influence of
"ecumenical activity."
- Chapter 10 - The Human Life Amendment -- and Beyond
Evidence of the bishops' great success in killing American
political will through implementation of the Pastoral Plan
but without yet achieving passage of the Human Life
- Chapter 11 - The Cross of Papal Infallibility
The history and dynamics of the dogma of papal infallibility.
Because of it, the Vatican has been forced to undermine the
political will of governments that are striving to deal with
- Chapter 12 - Postponing Self-Destruction of the Church
Strategies by which the Vatican and U.S. Catholic bishops
have been able to extend their institution's life.
- Chapter 13 - Defection of the Faithful
Why American Catholics are not conforming to papal
teachings -- with many leaving the Church and becoming
- Chapter 14 - Vatican Rejection of Freedom of the Press
Examines 150 years of uninterrupted papal hostility toward
freedom of the press. Discusses techniques used to "bridle"
the press and the conclusion of George Seldes, acknowledged
dean of investigative reporters, that on "Catholic issues"
there is no free press.
- Chapter 15 - The Catholic League and Suppression of The Press Today
The principles governing League behavior, the methods leading
to its success, and a collection of specific acts designed to
halt public criticism of the Church.
- Chapter 16 - "Things Are Seldom What They Seem"
The "dis-uniting" of America. Explores the broad consequences
of the Pastoral Plan, including the erosion of public
confidence in our political system.
- Chapter 17 - Conclusions
How the Vatican has no qualms about destroying American
democratic institutions in its battle to save the Papacy.
- The World Population Plan of Action (NSSM-200 refers to this)
- NSSM 200 Study Report (full text of NSSM-200)
- Vatican Control of World Health
Organization Policy: An Interview
Copyright (c)1996 Stephen D. Mumford. For permission to
reproduce parts of this work, write to the Center for Research on
Population and Security. P.O. Box 13067, Research Triangle Park,
North Carolina 27709; Phone: (919) 933-7491; FAX: (919)
Also available in the following printed formats:
- ISBN 0-937307-04-1 Hardcover $39.00
- ISBN 0-937307-05-X Paperback $32.00
(Library of Congress Catalog 96-70965)