The Life and Death of NSSM 200 The Life and Death of NSSM 200 - Index to Contents The Life and Death of NSSM 200 - Index of Contents Stephen Mumford Bio Index of Issues Comments from Reviewers


Note 1) Of 82 countries for which crude birth rates are available for 1960 and 1972, 72 -- or 88 percent -- experienced a decline in birth rates during this period. The 72 countries include 29 developed countries and 24 independent territories, including Hong Kong and Puerto Rico. The 19 sovereign LDCs include Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama, Jamaica, Tunisia, Costa Rica, Chile, Fiji, Jauritius, Trinidad and Tobago, Singapore, Barbados, Taiwan, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Guyana, West Malaysia, and Algeria. (ISPC, US Bureau of the Census).

Note 2) The size of the Chinese population, its age distribution and rate of growth are widely disputed, not only among western observers but apparently within China itself. Recent estimates vary from "over 700 million," a figure used consistently by PRChina's representatives to U.N. meetings, to 920 million estimated for mid-1974 by U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Note 3) Turkey has a policy of population control.

Note 4) At $160.00 per ton.

Note 5) Aluminum, copper, iron ore, lead, nickel, tin, uranium, zinc, and petroleum (including natural gas).

Note 6) Population, Resources and the Environment edited by Ronald Ridker, Vol. III of the Commission Research Report.

Note 7) For a recent review of varying estimates on oil and gas reserves, see "Oil and Gas Resources," Science, 12 July 84, pp. 127-130 (Vol. 185).

Note 8) Chromium, iron, nickel, vanadium, magnesium, phosphorous, pottassium, cobalt, and nitrogen.

Note 9) Manganese, molybdenum, tungsten, aluminum, copper, lead, zinc, tin, titanium, and sulphur.

Note 10) See National Commission on Materials Policy, Towards a National Materials Policy: Basic Data and Issues, April 1972.

Note 11) Materials Requirements Abroad in the Year 2000, research project prepared for National Commission on Materials Policy by the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania; pp. 9-10

Note 12) United Nations Symposium on Population; Resources, and Environment, Stockholm, 9/26-10/5/73, E/Conf. 6-/ CEP/3, p. 35.

Note 13) There is no subhead or subsection "I" in the NSSM 200 response document provided by the National Archives. This is probably just a numbering error in the orignial typescript, rather than indicative of missing text. -- Ed.

Note 14) See James E. Kocher, Rural Development, Income Distribution, and Fertility Decline (Population Council, New York, 1973), and William Rich, Smaller Families through Social and Economic Progress (Overseas Development Council, Wash., 1973).

Note 15) Choucri, Nazli, Professor of Political Science, M.I.T. -- "Population Dynamics and Local Conflicts; A Cross-National Study of Population and War, A Summary," June 1974.

Note 16) The Department of Agriculture favors U.S. commercial interests holdings any national stocks in an international network of stockpiles.

Note 17) For obvious reasons, the initiative to distribute prescription drugs through commercial channels should be taken by local government and not by the US Government.

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