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Research Papers


Alonso, William

Institute of Urban and Regional Development and Department of City and Regional Planning, University of California, Berkeley

Problems, Purposes, and Implicit Policies for a National Strategy of Urbanization

The System of Intermetropolitan Population Flows


Appleman, Jack, William P. Butz, David H. Greenberg, Paul L. Jordan, and Anthony H. Pascal

RAND Corporation

Population Change and Public Resource Requirements: The Impact of Future United States Demographic Trends on Education, Welfare, and Health Care


Ayres, Robert U., and Ivars Gutmanis

International Research and Technology Corporation

Technological Change, Pollution, and Treatment Cost Coefficients in Input-Output Analysis


Bachrach, Peter

Department of Political Science, Temple University and

Elihu Bergman

Center for Population Studies, Harvard University

Participation and Conflict in Making American Population Policy: A Critical Analysis


Bahl, Roy W., Jr.

Department of Economics, Syracuse University

Metropolitan Fiscal Structures and the Distribution of Population within Metropolitan Areas


Beale, Calvin L.

Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Rural and Nonmetropolitan Population Trends of Significance to National Population Policy


Berry, Brian J. L.

Center for Urban Studies, University of Chicago

Population Growth in the Daily Urban Systems of the United States, 1980-2000


Blake, Judith

Department of Demography, University of California, Berkeley

Coercive Pro natalism and American Population Policy


Bollinger, W. LaMar

Department of Economics, College of Idaho

The Economic and Social Impact of the Depopulation Process Upon Four Selected Counties in Idaho


Bradshaw, Benjamin S.

Population Research Center, University of Texas

Some Aspects of the Fertility of Mexican-Americans


Cain, Glen G.

Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin

The Effect of Income Maintenance Laws on Fertility in the United States


Callahan, Daniel, ed.

Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences

Ethics, Population, and the American Tradition


Cameron, Gordon

Department of Applied Economics, University of Glasgow

The Relevance to the United States of British and French Regional Population Strategies


Carr, A. Barry, and David W. Culver

Economic Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture

Agriculture, Population, and the Erwironment


Christmas, Lawrence Barroll

Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission

Continued Metropolitanization: The Chicago Experience


Cicchetti, Charles J.

Resources for the Future, Inc.

Outdoor Recreation and Congestion in the United States


Coale, Ansley J.

Office of Population Research, Princeton University

Alternative Paths to a Stationary Population


Commoner, Barry

Center for the Biology of Natural Systems, Washington University

The Environmental Cost of Economic Growth


Cutright, Phillips

Department of Sociology, Indiana University

Illegitimacy in the United States: 1920-1968


Danielson, Michael N.

Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University

Differentiation, Segregation, and Political Fragmentation in the American Metropolis


Darmstadter, Joel

Resources for the Future, Inc.



David, Henry P.

Transnational Family Research Institute, American Institutes for Research and Preterm Institute

Unwanted Pregnancies: Costs and Alternatives


Davidson, Roger H.

Department of Political Science, University of California, Santa Barbara

Population Change and Representative Government


Davis, Kingsley

International Population and Urban Research and Department of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley

The American Family in Relation to Demographic Change


Day, Lincoln H.

Demographic and Social Statistics Branch, Statistical Office, United Nations

The Social Consequences of a Zero Population Growth Rate in the United States


Demeny, Paul

East-West Population Institute, University of Hawaii

Welfare Considerations in United States Population Policy


Drury, Robert F.

Consultant, Washington, D.C.

Local Governments and Population Change


Ehrlich, Paul R.

Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University and

John P. Holdren

Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley

Impact of Population Growth


Elazar, Daniel J.

Department of Political Science, Temple University

Population Growth and the Federal System


Farley, Reynolds

Population Studies Center, University of Michigan

Fertility and Mortality Trends Among Blacks in the United States


Fischman, Leonard L.

Economic Associates, Inc.


Hans H. Landsberg

Resources for the Future, Inc.

Adequacy of Nonfuel Minerals and Forest Resources


Fortney, Judith A.

Department of Sociology and Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development, Duke University

Immigration into the United States with Special Reference to Professional and Technical Workers


Freedman, Jonathan L.

Department of Psychology, Columbia University

A Conceptualization of Crowding

Population Density, Juvenile Delinquency, and Mental Illness in New YorkCity


Frejka, Tomas

The Population Council

Demographic Paths to a Stationary Population: The U.S. in International Comparison


Fuguitt, Glen V.

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin

Population Trends of Nonmetropolitan Cities and Villages in the United States


Gold, Neil M.

Suburban Action Institute

The Mismatch of Jobs and Low-Income People in Metropolitan Areas and Its Implication for the Central-City Poor


Gordon, Sol

College for Human Development and Center for Family Planning and Population Information, Syracuse University

Family Planning Education for Adolescents


Grumm, John G.

Department of Government, Wesleyan University

Population Change and State Government Policy


Hansen, Niles M.

Center for Economic Development, University of Texas

The Case for Government-Assisted Migration


Hetrick, Carl C., A. E. Keir Nash, and Alan J. Wyner

Department of Political Science, University of California, Santa Barbara

Population and Politics: In formation, Concern, and Policy Support Among the American Public


Hoch, Irving

Resources for the Future, Inc.

Urban Scale and Environmental Quality


Hoover, Edgar M.

Department of Economics, University of Pittsburgh

Policy Objectives for Population Distribution

Reduced Population Growth and the Problems of Urban Areas


Howard, John A., and Donald R. Lehman

Graduate School of Business, Columbia University

The Effect of Different Populations on Selected Industries in the Year 2000


Irwin, Richard, and Robert Warren

U.S. Bureau of the Census

Demographic Aspects of American Immigration


Jaffe, Frederick S.

Center for Family Planning Program Development, Planned Parenthood-World Population

Family Planning Services in the United States


Johnston, Denis F.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Department of Sociology, Georgetown University

Illustrative Projections of the Labor Force of the United States to 2040


Jones, David

Department of Economics, Indiana University

Projections of Housing Demand to the Year 2000, Using Two Population Projections


Jones, Elise F., and Charles F. Westoff

Office of Population Research, Princeton University

Attitudes Toward Abortion in the United States in 1970 and the Trend Since 1965


Kantner, John F., and Melvin Zelnik

Department of Population Dynamics, School of Hygiene and Public Health, Johns Hopkins University

Sexuality, Contraception, and Pregnancy Among Pre -Adult Females in the United States


Keely, Charles B.

Department of Sociology, Western Michigan University

Immigration:   Considerations on Trends, Prospects, and Policy

Keller, Suzanne

Department of Sociology, Princeton University

The Future Status of Women in America


Kelley, Allen C.

Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin

Demographic Changes and American Economic Development: Past, Present, and Future with Comment by Richard Easterlin, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania


Kitagawa, Evelyn M.

Department of Sociology and Population Research Center, University of Chicago

Socioeconomic Differences in Mortality in the United States and Some Implications for Population Policy


Lehne, Richard

Department of Political Science, Rutgers University

Population Change and Congressional Representation


Leibenstein, Harvey

Department of Economics, Harvard University

The Impact of Population Growth on the American Economy with Comment by Edgar M. Hoover, Department of Economics, University of Pittsburgh


Leven, Charles L.

Institute for Urban and Regional Studies, Washington University

Changing Sizes, Forms, and Functions of Urban Areas


Lowi, Theodore

Department of Political Science, University of Chicago

Population Policies and the American Political System


Manvel, Allen 0.

Consultant, Washington, D.C.

Metropolitan Growth and Governmental Fragmentation


McGrath, Dorn C., Jr.

Department of Urban and Regional Planning, School of Government and Business Administration, George Washington University

Population Growth and Change: Implications for Planning


Menken, Jane A.

Office of Population Research, Princeton University

Teenage Childbearing: Its Medical Aspects and Implications for the United States Population


Miller, Arthur S.

National Law Center, George Washington University

Population Policy-Making and the Constitution


Mills, Edwin S.

Department of Economics, Princeton University

Economic Aspects of City Size


Morrison, Peter A.

RAND Corporation

Dimensions of the Population Problem in the United States

The Impact of Population Stabilization on Migration and Redistribution

Population Movements: Where the Public and Private Interests Conflict

Population Movements and the Shape of Urban Growth: Implications for Public Policy


Morss, Elliott R., and Susan McIntosh

Commission on Population Growth and the American Future

The Influence of Federal Government Activities on the Family Decision to Have a Child


Murray, Edward E., and Ned Hege

Urban Land Institute

Growth Center Population Redistribution 1980-2000


Noonan, John T., Jr., and Mary Cynthia Dunlap

School of Law, University of California, Berkeley

Unintended Consequences: Laws Indirectly Affecting Population Growth in the United States


North, Robert C.

Department of Political Science, Stanford University and

Nazli Choucri

Department of Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Population and the International System: Some Implications for United States Policy and Planning


Oppenheimer, Valerie Kincade

Department of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles

Rising Educational Attainment, Declining Fertility, and the Inadequacies of the Female Labor Market


Organski, A. F. K., and Alan Lamborn

Department of Political Science, University of Michigan and

Bruno Bueno de Mesquita

Department of Political Science, Michigan State University

The Effective Population in International Politics


Phelps, Edmund S.

Department of Economics, Columbia University

Some Macroeconomics of Population Levelling with Comment by Robert Dorfman, Department of Economics, Harvard University


Pickard, Jerome P.

Appalachian Regional Commission

U.S. Metropolitan Growth and Expansion, 19 70-2000, with Population Projections


Pilpel, Harriet F.

Member, New York Bar


Peter Ames

Member, Connecticut Bar

Legal Obstacles to Freedom of Choice in the Areas of Con traception, Abortion, and Voluntary Sterilization in the United States


Piotrow, Phyllis T.

The Population Crisis Committee

Congressional-Executive Relations in the Formation of Explicit Population Policy


Presser, Harriet B.

School of Public Health and Administrative Medicine and International Institute for Study of Human Reproduction, Columbia University and Larry L. Bumpass, Department of Sociology and Center for Demography and Ecology, University of Wisconsin

Demographic and Social Aspects of Contraceptive Sterilization in the United States: 1965-19 70


Preston, Samuel H.

Department of Demography, University of California, Berkeley

Female Employment Policy and Fertility


Reed, Ritchie H., and Susan McIntosh

Commission on Population Growth and the American Future

Costs of Children


Ridker, Ronald G.

Resources for the Future, Inc.

Resource and Environmental Consequences of Population Growth in the United States: A Summary

The Economy, Resource Requirements, and Pollution Levels

Future Water Needs and Supplies, with a Note on Land Use

The Model (with H. W. Herzog, Jr.)


Ridley, Jeanne Clare

School of Public Health and Administrative Medicine and International Institute for Study of Human Reproduction, Columbia University

On the Consequences of Demographic Change for the Roles and Status of Women


Rindfuss, Ronald R.

Office of Population Research, Princeton University

Recent Trends in Population Attitudes


Rundquist, Barry S., P. G. Bock, Anthony M. Champagne, and Karl F. Johnson

Department of Political Science, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

The Impact of Defense Cutbacks on Employment and Migration


Ryder, Norman B.

Office of Population Research, Princeton University

A Demographic Optimum Projection for the United States


Ryder, Norman B., and Charles F. Westoff

Office of Population Research, Princeton University

Unwanted Childbearing in the United States: 1970


Segal, Sheldon

The Population Council

Possible Means of Fertility Control: Distant or Near


Smith, Frank Austin

Center for the Environment and Man, Inc.

Waste Material Recovery and Reuse


Smith, Frederick J.

Graduate School of Design, Harvard University

Ecological Perspectives


Spengler, Joseph J.

Department of Economics, Duke University

Declining Population Growth: Economic Effects with Comment by Warren Robinson, Department of Economics, Pennsylvania State University


Taeuber, Irene B.

Office of Population Research, Princeton University

Growth of the Population of the United States in the Twentieth Century

The Changing Distribution of the Population of the United States in the Twentieth Century


Teitelbaum, Michael S.

Office of Population Research, Princeton University

International Experience with Fertility at or Near Replacement Level

Some Genetic Implications of Population Policies


Tietze, Christopher, M.D.

The Population Council

The Potential Impact of LegalAbortion on Population Growth in the United States


Viederman, Stephen

The Population Council

Population Education in the Elementary and Secondary Schools of the United States


Vines, Kenneth N.

Department of Political Science, State University of New York, Buffalo

Population and the Administration of Justice



James E. Allen

Carolina Population Center, University o North Carolina


William Alonso

Institute of Urban and Regional Development and Department of City and Regional Planning, University of California, Berkeley


Peter Ames

Member, Connecticut Bar


Peter Bachrach

Department of Political Science, Temple University


Edward Banfield

Department of Government, Harvard University


Calvin L. Beale

Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture


Benjamin S. Bradshaw

Population Research Center, University of Texas


Benjamin Branch, M.D.

Medical Director, Preterm, Washington, D.C.


Richard Burton

The Urban Institute, Washington, D. C.


Daniel Callahan

Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences


William D. Carey

Arthur 0. Little, Inc., Washington, D.C.


Lenora T. Cartright

Center for Urban Studies, University of Illinois


Robert Lee Chartrand

Legislative Reference Service, Library of Congress


Preston Cloud

Department of Geological Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara


Ansley J. Coale

Office of Population Research, Princeton University


Barry Commoner

Center for the Biology of Natural Systems, Washington University


Phillips Cutright

Department of Sociology, Indiana University


Michael N. Danielson

Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University


Kingsley Davis

International Population and Urban Research and Department of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley


Robert G. Dixon, Jr.

National Law Center, George Washington University


Robert Dorfman

Department of Economics, Harvard University


Anthony Downs

Real Estate Research Corporation, Chicago, Illinois


Edwin 0. Driver

Department of Sociology, University of Massachusetts


Robert F. Drury

Consultant, Washington, D.C.


Richard A. Easterlin

Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania


Paul R. Ehrlich

Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University


Stephen Enke

General Electric TEMPO, Center for Advanced Studies, Washington, D.C.


Edward J. Ennis

Attorney at Law, New York, New York


Cynthia Fuchs Epstein

Queens College of The City University of New York and Bureau of Applied Social Research, Columbia University


Joseph L. Fisher

Resources for the Future, Inc.


Judith A. Fortney

Department of Sociology and Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development, Duke University


Maurice Fulton

President, The Fantus Company, Chicago


Campbell Gibson

U.S. Bureau of the Census


Sol Gordon

College for Human Development and Center for Family Planning and Population Information, Syracuse University


Naomi T. Gray

Naomi Gray Associates, Inc., New York, New York


John Grumm

Department of Government, Wesleyan University


Robert E. Hall, M.D.

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University


Niles M. Hansen

Center for Economic Development, University of Texas


Philip M. Hauser

Population Research Center and Department of Sociology, University of Chicago


Edgar M. Hoover

Department of Economics, University of Pittsburgh


John A. Howard

Graduate School of Business, Columbia University


Richard Irwin

U.S. Bureau of the Census


Frederick S. Jaffe

Center for Family Planning Program Development, Planned Parenthood-World Population


John F. Kain

Department of Economics, Harvard University


Allen C. Kelley

Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin


Allen Kneese

Resources for the Future, Inc.


Hans H. Landsberg

Resources for the Future, Inc.


Donald R. Lehman

Graduate School of Business, Columbia University


Harvey Leibenstein

Department of Economics, Harvard University


Seymour Martin Lipset

Department of Government, Harvard University


Allen D. Manvel

Consultant, Washington, D.C.


Alan Margolis

Department of Obstetrics/Gynecology, University of California Medical Center, San Francisco


Donald R. Matthews

The Brookings Institution


Donald N. Michael

Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan


Arthur S. Miller

National Law Center, George Washington University


Edwin S. Mills

Department of Economics, Princeton University


Peter A. Morrison

RAND Corporation


Frank W. Notestein

Office of Population Research, Princeton University


A.F. K. Organski

Department of Political Science, University of Michigan


Anthony Pascal

RAND Corporation


Edmund S. Phelps

Department of Economics, Columbia University


Jerome P. Pickard

Appalachian Regional Commission


Harriet F. Pilpel

Member, New York Bar


Ronald J. Pion, M.D.

School of Public Health, University of Hawaii


James W. Prothro

Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina


Ronald G. Ridker

Resources for the Future, Inc.


Randall B. Ripley

Department of Political Science, Ohio State University


Warren C. Robinson

Department of Economics, Pennsylvania State University


Norman B. Ryder

Office of Population Research, Princeton University


Richard Scammon

Election Research Center, Washington, D.C.


Allan Schick

The Brookings Institution


Sheldon J. Segal

The Population Council


M. Brewster Smith

University of California, Santa Cruz


Robert G. Smith

Management Consultant, Washington, D.C.


Frank J. Sorauf

Department of Political Science, University of Minnesota


Joseph J. Spengler

Department of Economics, Duke University


J. Mayone Stycos

Department of Sociology, Cornell University


James L. Sundquist

The Brookings Institution


Conrad Taeuber

U.S. Bureau of the Census


Irene B. Taeuber

Office of Population Research, Princeton University


Michael S. Teitelbaum

Office of Population Research, Princeton University


Vaida D. Thompson

Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina


Christopher Tietze, M.D.

The Population Council


Stephen Viederman

The Population Council


Robert Warren

U.S. Bureau of the Census


Ben J. Wattenberg

Author and Consultant, Washington, D.C.


Charles V. Willie

Vice President for Student Activities and Organization, Syracuse University


Robert C. Wood

President, University of Massachusetts


Consulting Organizations


Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences, Hastings-on-Hudson, New York

Opinion Research Corporation, Princeton, New Jersey

RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, California

Resources for the Future, Inc., Washington, D.C.

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Washington, D.C.

U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C.

U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Business Economics, Washington, D.C.

U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington, D.C.

ULI—The Urban Land Institute, Washington, D. C.



Participants in Public Hearings (in order of appearance)


Washington, 0. C., April 14-15, 1971


The Hon. Donald Rumsfeld, Counsellor to President Richard M. Nixon

The Hon. John G. Veneman, Under Secretary, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare

Gooloo Wunderlich, Demographer, Office of Population Affairs

Carl Shultz, M.D., Director, Office of Population Affairs

Wilma Scott Heide, National Chairwoman, National Organization for Women

General Andrew O’Meara (USA Ret.), National Chairman, Population Crisis Committee, Washington, D. C.

Phyllis T. Piotrow, Consultant, Population Crisis Committee, Washington, D. C.

Donald Paarlberg, Director, Agricultural Economics, US. Department of Agriculture

Lynn M. Daft, Assistant Deputy Administrator, Economic Research Service

The Hon. Stewart Udall, Lawyer, Environmental Columnist, former Secretary of the Interior

Rev. Monsignor James T. McHugh, Director, Family Life Division, United States Catholic Conference, Washington, 0. C.

Alan C. Guttmacher, M.D., President, Planned Parenthood-World Population

Milos Macura, Director, Population Division, United Nations

Roger Revelle, Chairman, Department of Demography, School of Public Health, Harvard University

George Hay Brown, Director, Bureau of the Census Conrad Taeuber, Associate Director

Herman P. Miller, Chief, Population Division

Carl Pope, Washington Representative, Zero Population Growth

Naomi T. Gray, President, Naomi Gray Associates, Inc., Family Planning Consultants, New York, New York

Rufus E. Miles, President, Population Reference Bureau, Washington, D. C.

John Tanton, National Chairman, Sierra Club Population Committee

Carl H. Madden, Chief Economist, Chamber of Commerce of the United States, Washington, D. C.

Bradley Byers and Gerald Barney, Arlington Committee on Optimum Growth, Arlington, Virginia

Rev. David 0. Poindexter, Director, Population Communications Center, United Methodist Church, New York, New York

Robert Lamson, Staff Associate, Plans and Analysis Office, National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C.



Los Angeles, California, May 3-4, 1971


S.I. Hayakawa, President, San Francisco State College John Westfall, Chairman, Geography Department

The Hon. Jerome Waldie, U.S. House of Representatives, 14th C. District, California

Mrs. Tee Bertha Spring, Member, Board of Directors, Los Angeles Regional Planning Council

Henry Gibson, Television Entertainer, Malibu

Kingsley Davis, Professor of Sociology, International Population and Urban Research and Department of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley

Frederic G. Styles, Executive Director, Science and Technology Advisory Council, California State Assembly

Eduardo Arriaga, University of California, Berkeley

Manuel Aragon, Jr., General Manager, City of Commerce Investment Company; former Executive Director, Economic and Youth Opportunity Agency, Los Angeles County

Kenneth M. Mitzner, President, Mobilization for the Unnamed, Los Angeles

Joe C. Ortega, Associate Counsel, Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc.

Walter R. Trinkaus, President, Right to Life League of Southern California, and Professor of Law, Loyola University of Los Angeles

Judith Ayala, Registered Nurse, Los Angeles

Johnson C. Montgomery, Attorney, representing Zero Population Growth, Palo Alto

Stuart W. Knight, Attorney, Anaheim, California

The Hon. Tom Bradley, Los Angeles City Council

Addie Klotz, M.D., Director of Student Council Services, San Fernando Valley State College and three students

David S. Hall, Senior Public Health Educator, Los Angeles County Public Health Department

Laura Anderson, Coordinator, Comprehensive Family Planning Program, Berkeley

Calvin S. Hamilton, Director of Planning, City of Los Angeles

Clarence R. Allen, Professor of Geology and Geophysics, Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Los Angeles

Walt Thompson, Chairman, Journalism Department, Laney College, Oakland

Alfred Heller, Director, California Tomorrow, San Francisco Ernest Loebbeke, Past President, California State Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles

Robert Sassone, President, League for Infants, Fetuses and the Elderly, Santa Ana

James Edinger, Associate Professor of Meteorology, University of California, Los Angeles

Rits Tadema, Westminster


Little Rock, Arkansas, June 7-8, 1971


The Hon. John L. McClellan, U.S. Senate, Arkansas

The Hon. David Pryor, U.S. House of Representatives, 4th C. District, Arkansas

Eddie White, Seasonal Farm Worker, Altheimer

Colin Clark, International Economist; Fellow of Monasch University, Melbourne, Australia

William (Sonny) Walker, Director, Equal Opportunity Division, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Little Rock

Gordon D. Morgan, Professor of Sociology, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

The Hon. Winthrop Rockefeller, former Governer of Arkansas, Little Rock

Calvin L. Beale, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.

Mariah Gilmore, Trainee in Operation Mainstream, a project funded by Opportunities Industrialization Center, Little Rock

Mrs. Mitchell, Counselor, Opportunities Industrialization Center, Little Rock

Barton A. Westerlund, Director, Industrial Research and Extension Center, College of Business Administration, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Jason Rouby, Executive Director, Metroplan, Little Rock John H. Opitz, Executive Director, the Ozarks Regional Commission, Washington, D. C.

William W. Blunt, Jr., Chief Counsel, Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C.

William C. Nolan, Jr., Vice President, El Dorado Chamber of Commerce

Paul Stabler, Field Representative for the Oklahoma Indian Affairs Commission, Tulsa, Oklahoma

Russell Thomas, Director of Industrial Relations, Wolverine Toy Company, Cooneville

David L. Barclay, M.D., Professor and Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Arkansas Medical Center

Rex Ramsey, M.D., Director of Maternal and Child Health. Division, Arkansas State Health Department

Trusten H. Holder, Private Consultant in the areas of ecological studies, outdoor recreation, environmental planning, Little Rock

Pratt Remmel, Jr., Director, Arkansas Ecology Center, Little Rock

The Hon. Dale Bumpers, Governor of Arkansas

E. L. Bud Stewart, Jr., Federal Co-Chairman, The Ozarks Regional Commission, Washington, D. C.


Chicago, Illinois, June 21-22, 1971


Philip M. Hauser, Professor of Sociology, University of Chicago

The Hon. Marilou Hedlund, Member, Chicago City Council

Jeffrey R. Short, Jr., President, J. R. Short Milling Company, Chicago

Richard Babcock, Attorney, and Past President, American Society of Planning Officials, Chicago

Lawrence B. Christmas, Technical Director, Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission, Chicago

Norman Lazarus, President, N. Lazarus Company, Chicago John Yolton, Administrative Assistant to Olga Madar, Vice

President of the United Auto Workers, Detroit, Michigan Conrad E. Terrien, Chemical Engineer, Villa Park

Rev. Don C. Shaw, Executive Director, Midwest Population Center, Chicago

Ellen Peck, Author, Baltimore, Maryland

Rev. Jesse Jackson, National Director, Operation Breadbasket, Chicago

Anthony Downs, Senior Vice President, Real Estate Research Corporation, Chicago

Jean Phillips, Senior at Northeastern Illinois State College, Chicago

John E. Lester, Student, Northeastern Illinois State College, Chicago

Frances Frecb, Housewife, Kansas City, Missouri

The Hon. William Cousins, Member, Chicago City Council

lone Du Val, Director of Immigrant Services, The Travelers Aid Society of Metropolitan Chicago and Immigrants Service League

Fred Domville, Oak Park


New York, New York, September 27-28, 1971


The Hon. Percy Sutton, President, Borough of Manhattan

Gordon Chase, Health Services Administrator, City of New York, and Chairman, Health and Hospital Corporation

The Hon. Timothy Costello, Deputy Mayor, City of New York George Trombetta, M.D., Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Highland Hospital, Rochester

Alyce Friend, Family Planning Counselor, Rochester

Sylvester Charleston, Student, Bernard Baruch College, New York, New York

Harriet Surovell; High School Women’s Coalition, New York, New York

Frank Febus, Student, New York Institute of Photography

Bill Baird, Lecturer on Abortion and Birth Control; Director of the Parents’ Aid Society, Hempstead, Long Island

Robert M. Byrn, Professor of Law, Fordham University School of Law

Bernard Pisani, M.D., Director, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, St. Vincent’s Hospital, New York, New York

Alvin F. Moran, Executive Vice President, Planned Parenthood of New York, New York

Donald HohI, Assistant Director of Migration and Refugee Services, U.S. Catholic Conference, Washington, D. C.

Edward J. Logue, President, New York State Urban Development Corporation

Mr. Magee, New York, New York

Paul Ylvisaker, Professor of Public Affairs and Urban Planning, Princeton University

Betty Rollin, Author, New York, New York

Patricia Cooper, Director, Pennsport Civic Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Mrs. Fizur, Community Worker, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Joseph Monserrat, New York City Board of Education; former Director of Migration Services, Department of Labor, Puerto Rico

Robert 0. Anderson, Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Atlantic-Richfield Company, New York, New York

Irving Stern, Director of Local 342, Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Retail Food Store Employees Union; International Vice President, Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butchers Union; Vice President, New York City Central Labor Council

Eugene S. Callender, President, New York Urban Coalition






Public Law 91-213

91st Congress, S. 2701

March 16, 1970




To establish a Commission on Population Growth and the American Future.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of A merica in Congress assem bled, That the Commission on Population Growth and the American Future is hereby established to conduct and sponsor such recommendations as may be necessary to provide information and education to all levels of government in the United States, and to our people, regarding a broad range of problems associated with population growth and their implications for America’s future.




Sec. 2. (a) The Commission on Population Growth and the American Future (hereinafter referred to as the “Commission”) shall be composed of—

(1)        two Members of the Senate who shall be members of different political parties and who shall be appointed by the President of the Senate;

(2)        two Members of the House of Representatives who shall be members of different political parties and who shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and

(3)        not to exceed twenty members appointed by the President.

(b)        The President shall designate one of the members to serve as Chairman and one to serve as Vice Chairman of the Commission.

(c)        The majority of the members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum, but a lesser number may conduct hearings.




Sec. 3. (a) Members of the Commission who are officers or full-time employees of the

United States shall serve without compensation in addition to that received for their services as officers or employees of the United States.


(b)        Members of the Commission who are not officers or full-time employees of the United States shall each receive $100 per diem when engaged in the actual performance of duties vested in the Commission.

(c)        All members of the Commission shall be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by section 5703 of title 5 of the United States Code for persons in the Government service employed intermittently.



Sec. 4. The Commission shall conduct an inquiry into the following aspects of population growth in the United States and its foreseeable social consequences:

(1)        the probable course of population growth, internal migration, and related demographic developments between now and the year 2000;

(2)        the resources in the public sector of the economy that will be required to deal with the anticipated growth in population;

(3)        the ways in which population growth may affect the activities of Federal, State, and local government;

(4)        the impact of population growth on environmental pollution and on the depletion of natural resources; and

(5)        the various means appropriate to the ethical values and principles of this society by which our Nation can achieve a population level properly suited for its environmental, natural resources, and other needs.



Sec. 5. (a) The Commission shall appoint an Executive Director and such other personnel as the Commission deems necessary without regard to the provisions of title 5 of the United States Code governing appointments in the competitive service and shall fix the compensation of such personnel without regard to the provisions of chapter 51 and subtitle II of chapter 53 of such title relating to classification and General Schedule pay rates: Provided, That no personnel so appointed shall receive compensation in excess of the rate authorized for GS-18 by section 5332 of such title.

(b)        The Executive Director, with the approval of the Commission, is authorized to obtain services in accordance with the provisions of section 3109 of title 5 of the United States Code, but at rates for individuals not to exceed the per diem equivalent of the rate authorized for GS-18 by section 5332 of such title.

(c)        The Commission is authorized to enter into contracts with public agencies, private firms, institutions, and individuals for the conduct of research and surveys, the preparation of reports, and other activities necessary to the discharge of its duties.



Sec. 6. The Commission is authorized to request from any Federal department or agency any information and assistance it deems necessary to carry out its functions; and each such department or agency is authorized to cooperate with the Commission and, to the extent permitted by law, to furnish such information and assistance to the Commission upon request made by the Chairman or any other member when acting as Chairman.



Sec. 7. The General Services Administration shall provide administrative services for the Commission on a reimbursable basis.






Sec. 8. In order that the President and the Congress may be kept advised of the progress of its work, the Commission shall, from time to time, report to the President and the Congress such significant findings and recommendations as it deems advisable. The Commission shall submit an interim report to the President and the Congress one year after it is established and shall submit its final report two years after the enactment of this Act. The Commission shall cease to exist sixty days after the date of the submission of its final report.



Sec. 9. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such amounts as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act.


Approved March 16, 1970.


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