Center for Research on Population and Security

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August 28, 1942
Louisville, Kentucky


18 White Pine Way
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
(919) 933-7491




University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

BS Agriculture



University of Texas
School of Public Health
Houston, Texas

MPH International Health/Population Studies



University of Texas
School of Public Health
Houston, Texas

DrPH Health Services Administration/ Population Studies




President, Center for Research on Population and Security Research Triangle Park



International Fertility Research Program (now Family Health International) Research Triangle Park, North Carolina




Scientist, Research Department (1979-83)




Research Group Leader, Research Department (1978-79)




Section Leader, Design and Analysis Division (1977-78)



Administrator, National Swine Flu Immunization Program for Houston and Harris County, Texas



Planned Parenthood of Houston Houston, Texas




Director of Research




Senior Vasectomy Counselor



University of Texas, Houston, Texas




Medical School at Houston





Research Assistant, Department of Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology (1971-76)




School of Public Health





Research Statistical Aide, Population Studies (1971-75)





Data Analyst, Project MEDIHC (1971)





Epidemiological Field Investigator
(1970-71) (NASA Contract)



Research Assistant, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas



Hospital Administrator, Captain, United States Army,




Medical Service Corps





Assistant Registrar/Medical Holding (1969-70)





Company Commander, 121st EVAC Hospital Korea




Womack Army Hospital Fort Bragg, North Carolina





Assistant Registrar (1969-70)





Administrator for Hospital Clinics (1968)





Administrator for the Chief of Professional Services(1967-68)





Administrator for the Chief of the Department of Surgery (1967)



Industrial Hygienist, Kentucky State Department of Health Frankfort, Kentucky




Alan Guttmacher Institute


American Humanist Association


American Public Health Association (Population Section)


Americans for Immigration Control


Americans for Religious Liberty


Association for Voluntary Sterilization


Catholics for a Free Choice


Environmental Defense Fund


Federation for American Immigration Reform


Fund for the Feminist Majority


International Epidemiological Association


National Abortion Rights Action League


National Council for International Health


National Organization for Women


Negative Population Growth


Population Action Council


Population/Food Fund


Population Reference Bureau


Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights


Reserve Officers Association of the United States


Society for Epidemiologic Research


World Future Society


World Population Society


Zero Population Growth


American Association for the Advancement of Science




Mumford SD: The Life and Death of NSSM 200: How the Destruction of Political Will Doomed a U.S. Population Policy, 384 pp. Center for Research on Population and Security (Research Triangle Park, North Carolina), 1994 (Advance Edition). Final First Edition, 578 pp., 1996.


Mumford SD: The Pope and the New Apocalypse: The Holy War Against Family Planning, 92 pp. Center for Research on Population and Security (Research Triangle Park, North Carolina), 1986.


Mumford SD: American Democracy & the Vatican: Population Growth & National Security, 268 pp. Humanist Press (Amherst, New York), 1984.


Mumford SD: Population Growth Control: The Next Move is America's, 167 pp. Philosophical Library (New York), 1977.


Mumford SD: The Decision-Making Process That Leads to Vasectomy: A Guide for Promoters, 186 pp. San Francisco Press (San Francisco), 1977.


Mumford SD: Vasectomy Counseling, 83 pp. San Francisco Press (San Francisco), 1977. Published in Spanish as Orientacion sobre la Vasectomia, 72pp. by Asociacion Pro Salud Maternal (Mexico City) in 1981. An abbreviated version published in Spanish as Orientacion sobre la Vasectomia: Guia Abreviada, 30 pp. by the same publisher also in 1981. Published in Portuguese with M.P.P. deCastro in Vasectomia by Livraria Roca Ltda (Sao Paulo, Brasil) in 1983. Published in Indonesian as BIMBINGAN VASEKTOMI by Guno Samekto (Yogyakarta) in 1984.

Chapters and Articles


Mumford SD, Excerpts from the life and Death of NSSM 200: How the Destruction of Political Will Doomed a US Population Policy. FOCUS 8;1: 47-54, 1998.


Kessel E, Mumford SD. Quinacrine sterilization: a response to Sokal et al. (Editorial). Fertil Steril 65; 3: 679-680, March 1996.


Mumford SD. The Life and Death of NSSM 200: How the Destruction of Political Will Doomed a U.S. Population Policy. In: DF Durham, ed. The Carrying Capacity Briefing Book, Vol. II, Chapter VIII. Carrying Capacity Network, Washington, DC, (1996), pp. 84-95.


Mumford SD. The Vatican's Role in the World Population Crisis: The untold story. Center for Research on Population and Security, 1996.


Bairagi NR, Kessel E, Mumford SD. Comparison of the efficacy of intrauterine diclofenac and ibuprofen pellets as adjuvants to quinacrine nonsurgical female sterilization. Adv Contracept 11:303-308, 1995.


Mullick B, Kessel E, Mumford SD. A potential single insertion protocol for quinacrine pellet nonsurgical female sterilization. Adv Contracept 11:239-244, 1995.


Mumford SD. NSSM 200 and the World Population Explosion. J Soc Pol Econ Stud 20(2):1-29, 1995.


Kessel E, Zipper J, Hieu DT, Mullick B, Mumford SD. Quinacrine pellet method of non-surgical female sterilization. In: F.A. Moeloek, B. Affandi and A.O. Trounson. Advances in Human Reproduction: Proceedings of VIIIth World Congress on Human Reproduction Joint IV World Congress on Fallopian Tube in Health and Disease, Bali, Indonesia, April 1993. Parthenon Publishing Group, New York (1995), pp. 501-12.


Mumford SD. Cairo Conference--Success or Failure? Freethought Today 11(10):6, 1994.


Mumford SD. Quinacrine sterilization (editorial). Lancet 344:1434, 1994.


Mumford SD: Overcoming Overpopulation: The Rise and Fall of American Political Will. Free Inquiry 14(2):23, 1994.


Mumford SD: Was the Dalkon Shield a safe and effective IUD?: Response to David Eschenbach (Editorial). Fertil Steril 60(1):188, 1993.


Mumford SD: National Security Study Memorandum 200: World Population Growth and U.S. Security. The Social Contract 3(2):116, 1993.


Mumford SD: Vatican Control of World Health Organization Population Policy: An Interview With Milton P. Siegel. The Humanist 53(2):21, 1993.


Mumford SD and Kessel E: Sterilization Needs in the 1990's: The Case for Quinacrine Nonsurgical Female Sterilization. Amer J Obstet Gynecol 167(5):1203, 1992.


Mumford SD and Kessel E: Was the Dalkon Shield a safe and effective IUD?: The conflict between case-control and clinical trial study findings. Fertil and Steril 57(6):1151, 1992. Summarized In: Ob/Gyn Digest, May 1993, p.18.


Mumford SD: Papal Power--U.S. Security Population Directive Undermined by Vatican with `Ecumenism' a Tool. The Human Quest (formerly The Churchman), CCIII(3):15, 1992.


Mumford SD: Concerning the Right to Persecute Heretics. Free Inquiry 12(2):13, 1992.


Kronmal RA, Whitney CW and Mumford SD: The intrauterine device and pelvic Inflammatory disease: the Women's Health Study reanalyzed. J Clin Epidemiol 44(2):109, 1991.


Kronmal RA, Whitney CW and Mumford SD: Reply to the dissent offered by RT Burkman, NC Lee, HW Ory and GL Rubin. J Clin Epidemiol 44(2):211, 1991.


Kessel E, Zipper J and Mumford SD: Surgical vs. nonsurgical female sterilization (Editorial). Mother and Child International Newsletter 16:1, 1991.


Kessel E, Zipper J and Mumford SD: The quinacrine pellet method for nonsurgical female sterilization: a collection of background materials (Introduction). Center for Research on Population and Security, 1990.


Mumford SD: World Greenhouse Threat. The Churchman, CCIII(5):10, 1989.


Mumford SD: How "Ecumenism" is Used by Roman Bishops and How Protestant Leadership Serves the Roman Cause. The Churchman, CCIII (3):2, 1989.


Mumford SD: "Right to Life" Derivation. The Churchman, CCIII (2):14, 1989.


Mumford SD: Population Growth and Security. In: K. Finsterbusch, G. McKenna, eds. Taking Sides. Dushkin Publishing Group, Guilford, CT (1988), 318.


Mumford SD: A Second Report on The Catholic Bishops' Pastoral Plan For Pro-Life Activities: Its Implications for Democracy in North Carolina, Viewed in a World Context. Center for Research on Population and Security, 1988.


Mumford SD: Response to Roman Bishops' Plan on Birth Control. The Churchman CCII (2):10, 1988.


Mullick B, Mumford SD and Kessel E: Studies of Quinacrine and of Tetracycline for Nonsurgical Female Sterilization. Adv Contracept 3:245, 1987.


Mumford SD: The Catholic Bishops' Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities and Its Implications for Democracy in North Carolina. Center for Research on Population and Security, 1987.


Mumford SD: Crisis in American Protestantism. The Churchman CXCX (2):8, 1986.


Merchant RN, Doctor VM, Thakau SS, Sinha M, Jhaveri CL, Kessel E and Mumford SD: Clinico-pathological study of Fallopian tubes after transcervical insertion of quinacrine hydrochloride pellets. Adv Contracept 2:79, 1986.


Mumford SD and Kessel E: Role of Abortion in Control of Global Population Growth. In: J. Laferla, ed. Clinics in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. W.B. Saunders Company Ltd., London, (1986), pp.19-31.


Mumford SD: Crisis in American Protestantism: The Nonresponse to the Vatican Holy War Against American Family Planning, Center for Research on Population and Security, 1986.


Kessel E, Sastrawinata S and Mumford SD: Correlates of fetal growth and survival. Acta Paediatr Scand 319:120, 1985.


Mumford SD: The Protestant Nonresponse to the Vatican Holy War Against Family Planning: Implications for America. Freethought Today, 2(10):10, 1985.


Kessel E, Zipper J and Mumford SD: Quinacrine Nonsurgical Female Sterilization: A Reassessment of Safety and Efficacy. Fertil Steril 44(3): 293, 1985.


Bhiwandiwala PP, Mumford SD and Kennedy KI: Comparison of the Safety of Open and Conventional Laparoscopic Sterilization: A Review of 1400 Cases. Obstet Gynecol 66(3):391, 1985.


Mumford SD: The Overpopulation Problem as It Affects the United States: A Step Toward a Societal Response. The Humanist 45(4):14, 1985.


Mumford SD: What is it to be an American Conservative? The Humanist 45(1):8, 1985.


Mumford SD: Toward Freethinking. Freethought Today 2(1):10, 1985.


deCastro MPP, Mastrorocco DA, deCastro BM and Mumford SD: Vasectomy--A Successful Program in Brazil. Int. Fam. Plann. Perspect. 10(4):125, 1984. Summarized in: POPLINE Previews, March 1985, p.1.


Mustafa MAB and Mumford SD: Male Attitudes Toward Family Planning in Khartoum, Sudan. J Biosoc Sci 16:437, 1984.


Bhiwandiwala PP, Mumford SD and Feldblum PJ: Menstrual Pattern Changes Following Minilap/Pomeroy, Mililap/Ring and Laparoscopy/Ring Sterilization: A Review of 5982 Cases. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 22: 251, 1984. Republished In: Perspect Obstet Gynaecol, 1:16, 1985.


Mumford SD: Vasectomy and Vasectomy Counseling. In K (Finseth) Forrest and JM Swanson, eds. Men's Reproductive Health. Springer Publishing Company, New York, 1984. Republished In: Swanson JM and Forrest KA, eds. Die Sexualitat des Mannes, Deutscher Arzte-Verlag, Koln, 1987.


Mumford SD and Kessel E: Is Wide Availability of Abortion Essential to National Population Growth Control Programs?: Experiences of 116 Countries. Am J Obstet Gynecol 149:639, 1984.


Nahas HZ and Mumford SD: Methodology for the Study of Physicians' Attitudes Toward Family Planning. (Monograph) World Federation of Health Agencies for the Advancement of Voluntary Surgical Contraception, New York. November 1983.


Mustafa MAB and Mumford SD: Male Attitudes toward Family Planning in Khartoum, Sudan. (Monograph) World Federation of Health Agencies for the Advancement of Voluntary Surgical Contraception, New York. November 1983.


Mumford SD: The Church and Social Justice (Editorial). The Humanist 43(5):4, 1983.


Mumford SD: The Vatican and Population Growth Control: Why an American Confrontation. The Humanist 43(5):18, 1983.


Bhiwandiwala PP, Mumford SD and Feldblum PJ: (Editorial) Am J Obstet Gynecol 146(1):120, 1983.


Mumford SD: The Catholic Church and Social Justice Issues. The Humanist 43(4):5, 1983.


Mumford SD: The Vasectomy Decision-Making Process. Stud Fam Plann 14(3):83, 1983. Republished In: Packet Series on Family Planning Communication. Population Information Program, Baltimore.


Bhiwandiwala PP, Mumford SD and Feldblum PJ: Menstrual Pattern Changes Following Laparoscopic Sterilization with Different Occlusion Techniques: A Review of 10,004 Cases. Am J Obstet Gynecol 145:684, 1983.


Mumford SD: (Editorial) The Humanist 43(2):4, 1983.


Davis JE, deCastro MPP and Mumford SD: Consensus on Vasectomy. Lancet 2: 1222, 1982.


Mumford SD: The Implications of the Decision-making Process and Counseling for the Promotion of Vasectomy. J Thai AVS 4:25, 1982.


Mumford SD, Davis JE and Freund M: Considerations in Selecting a Postvasectomy Semen Examination Regimen. Int Urol Nephrol 12(3):293, 1982.


Bhiwandiwala PP, Mumford SD and Feldblum PJ: A Comparison of Different Laparoscopic Sterilization Occlusion Techniques in 24,439 Procedures. Am J Obstet Gynecol 144:319, 1982. Summarized In: Fam Plann Perspect 15(3):141, 1983; RM Pitkin and FJ Zlatnik, eds. The Yearbook of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1984, Yearbook Medical Publishers, Chicago, 1984, p. 251; Int Fam Plann Perspect 15:141, 1983.


Bhiwandiwala PP, Mumford SD and Feldblum PJ: (Editorial) Reprod Med 27(11):84, 1982.


Mumford SD: (Editorial) Am J Obstet Gynecol 144:736, 1982.


Kessel E and Mumford SD: Sterilization: New Technologies to Meet Demand. People 9(3):36, 1982.


Mumford SD: A Nation of Calcuttas? The Humanist 42(4):65, 1982.


Bhiwandiwala PP, Mumford SD and Feldblum PJ: (Editorial). Contemporary Ob/Gyn 19:24, 1982.


Bhiwandiwala PP, Mumford SD and Feldblum PJ: Menstrual Pattern Changes Following Laparoscopic Sterilization: A Comparative Study of Electrocoagulation and the Tubal Ring in 1,025 Cases. Reprod Med 27:249, 1982. Summarized In: POPLINE Previews, August 1982, p.3.


Hapugalle D and Mumford SD: Population Growth and the Security of Nations. C.S.D. Activities 1981. Community Development Services: Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1982.


Kessel E and Mumford SD: Potential Demand for Voluntary Female Sterilization in the 1980s: The Compelling Need for a Nonsurgical Method. Fertil Steril 37:725, 1982. Summarized In: POPLINE Previews, September 1982, p.1; Ob/Gyn Digest, October 1983, p.16. Republished In: EE Wallach and RD Kempers, eds. Modern Trends in Infertility and Conception Control, Volume III, The American Fertility Society, Birmingham, 1985, p.483.


Mumford SD: Abortion--A National Security Issue, Am J Obstet Gynecol 142:951, 1982. Republished In: The Humanist 42(5):12, 1982.


Mumford SD: Illegal Immigration, National Security and the Church. The Humanist 41(6):24, 1981.


Mumford SD: The dispersed famine of today (Editorial). Am J Public Health 71(6):648, 1981.


Mumford SD: (Editorial). The Humanist 41(3)19, 1981.


Mumford SD: Population Growth and Global Security: Toward an American Strategic Commitment. (Monograph) International Fertility Research Program. October 1980. Republished In: The Humanist 41(1):6, 1981. Published as Croissance Demographique et Securite Mondiale In: L'Idee Libre 71(142):1, 1982.


Mumford SD and Bhiwandiwala PP: Tubal ring sterilization: experience with 10,086 cases. Obstet Gynecol 57(2):150, 1981. Summarized In: Ob/Gyn Digest, December 1981, p.13.


Chi I-c, Mumford SD and Gardner SD: Pregnancy risk following laparoscopic sterilization in nongravid and gravid women. Reprod Med 26(6):289, 1981. Summarized In: Fam Plann Perspect 14(2):100, 1982. Int Fam Plann Perspect 8(2):78, 1982.


Mumford SD: Population growth and global security, Population/Food Fund Occasional Paper No. 2, 1981.


Mumford SD, Bhiwandiwala PP and Chi I-c: Laparoscopic and minilaparotomy female sterilization compared in 15,167 cases. Lancet 2:1066, 1980. Summarized In: Obstet Gynecol Surv 36(7):363, 1981; Int Fam Plann Perspect 7(2):65, 1981.


Mumford SD and Davis JE: Sperm storage in monkeys and man (Editorial). Urology 16:662, 1980.


Chi I-c, Mumford SD and Laufe LE: Technical failures in tubal ring sterilization: incidence, perceived reasons, outcome and risk factors. Am J Obstet Gynecol 138:307, 1980.


Rhodes DB, Mumford SD and Free MJ: Vasectomy: Efficacy of placing the cut vas in different fascial planes. Fertil Steril 33:443, 1980. Summarized In: Urol Digest, June 1981, p.11.


Lo CN, Mumford SD and Atwood RJ: Postvasectomy residual sperm pregnancy. Fertil Steril 33:668, 1980.


Rhodes DB, Mumford SD and Free MJ: Letter to the editor. Fertil Steril 34:292, 1980.


Mumford SD and Davis JE: Flushing of the distal vas during vasectomy. Urology 14:433, 1979.


Mumford SD (testimonial). In: Fertility and Contraception in America: Domestic Fertility Trends and Family Planning Services, p.197. From Hearings before Select Committee on Population, Ninety-fifth Congress, Second Session, February 21-23 and June 16, 1978, Vol 1, No. 2. US GPO, Washington, DC, 1978.


Mumford SD: International stability implications of world population growth. Written testimony submitted to the US House of Representatives Select Committee on Population, Hearings on International Stability, Washington, DC, April 19, 1978.


Mumford SD: Debate - Population as a National Security Issue--Opening Public Debate, Pro: Resolved, that the Department of Defense be named the Executive Agency for managing the world population problem, Proceedings of the Population and Food Policy Conference, February 24, 1978, Washington, DC. The Population/Food Fund, Grand Forks, ND.


Mumford SD: Implications of HEW's proposed Regulations on Sterilization: written response to HEW's request for public comment on HEW's proposed sterilization regulations, January 5, 1978.


Best W, Flexner WA, Manoff RK, Mumford SD: A test of advertising vasectomy on radio: a research report. The Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1977.


Leader AJ, Axelrad SD and Mumford SD: Modern eligibility criteria for vasectomy in the United States. J Urol 115:689, 1976.


Axelrad SD, Mumford SD and Leader AJ: Vasectomy and correction of post-vasectomy sterility. In: Encyclopedie Medico-Chirurgicale, Paris, September, 1975.


Leader AJ and Mumford SD: Vasectomy: informed consent. Texas Medicine, 71:73, 1975.


Leader AJ, Axelrad SD, Frankowski R and Mumford SD: Complications of 1711 vasectomies. J Urol 3:365, 1974.


Leader AJ and Mumford SD: Vasectomy: questions and answers. Pamphlet written for Planned Parenthood clinics, also used by other clinics and private physicians throughout the United States, 1973.



Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Contributions to Advancing the Cause of Reproductive Rights. Feminist Caucus of the American Humanist Association, 1986.


Humanist Distinguished Service Award, American Humanist Association, 1982.


Margaret Mead Leadership Prize in Population and Ecology, 1981.


US Jaycees Award for Outstanding Single Project in the Area of Human Relations, 1974-1975.


US Jaycees Award for Outstanding Chairman of a Single Project in the Area of Human Relations, 1974-1975.



Member of the Board of Directors of The Churchman Company and The Churchman Associates, Inc. (Publishers of the Human Quest--formerly The Churchman, an Episcopalian National Journal established 1804), 1993 -Present.


Contributing Editor. The Churchman. 1991 - Present.


Korean--minimally functional both spoken and written.



Marquis Who's Who in America, 51st Edition, 1997.


Marquis Who's Who in the World, 13th Edition, 1996.


Marquis Who's Who in the South and Southwest, 24th Edition, 1995-1996.


Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 4th Edition, 1998-1999.


Marquis Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare, 2nd Edition, 1999-2000.

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