SERIES Opus Dei: The Pope's Right Arm in Europe by Gordon
Urquhart from: Catholics for a Free Choice
"Opus Dei is one of
the most powerful -- and reactionary -- organisations in the Roman Catholic
church today. The organisation troubles liberal Catholics, but its
devotion to promoting, as public policy, the Vatican's inflexibly
traditionalist approach to women, sexuality and reproductive health is cause
for concern far beyond the boundaries of Catholicism. Opus Dei pursues
the Vatican's agenda through the presence of its members in secular governments
and institutions and through a vast array of academic, medical, and grassroots
pursuits. Its constant effort to increase its presence in civil institutions of
power is supported by growth in the organisation as a whole: . . . . their
work in the public sphere breaches the church-state division that is
fundamental to modern democracy. It is essential, then, to monitor the
organisation's undertakings in secular arenas -- a task made difficult by the
fact that individuals' membership is often undisclosed to the public."
Affiliation with Opus Dei
Opus Dei does not publish the names
of its members, and many Opus Del members do not make public their membership
in the organisation. This report uses several terms to describe relationships
to Opus Dei.
▪ A
“member” is either listed in the Vatican yearbook Annuario Pontifico as
a full member or is said by reliable sources (and in most cases several
unconnected sources) to be a member.
▪ Those
described as “close to Opus Del” participate in Opus Del events, write
for Opus Dei publications (such as the monthly Studi Cattolics), are
covered in Opus Del’s internal bulletin Romana, and so on. They may well
be members, but it is not possible to confirm this. Use of the term errs on the
side of caution.
▪ Those
who are “considered (said) to be close to Opus Del” are cited as members
in two or more published sources, but the researcher of this report has no
independent evidence of the connection.
▪ “Friends”
refers to groups of individuals spanning the categories above.
▪ “Linked
to” Opus Del describes organisations run by Opus Del members or friends.
Opus Dei: The Pope’s
Arm in Europe
report was researched and written for Catholics for a Free Choice by Gordon
Urquhart, author of The Pope’s Armada: Unlocking the Secrets of Mysterious
and Powerful New Sect. in the Church (Bantam Press, 1995).
Dei is one of the most powerful -- and reactionary -- organisations in the
Roman Catholic church today. The organisation troubles liberal Catholics, but
its devotion to promoting, as public policy, the Vatican’s inflexibly
traditionalist approach to women, sexuality and reproductive health is cause
for concern far beyond the boundaries of Catholicism. Opus Dei pursues the
Vatican’s agenda through the presence of its members in secular governments and
institutions and through a vast array of academic, medical, and grassroots
pursuits. Its constant effort to increase its presence in civil institutions of
power is supported by growth in the organisation as a whole: worldwide
membership increased by 5 percent during the first half of this decade, and
Opus Dei ordains up to a hundred new priests a year and opens forty centres
annually. The organisation’s aim, according to Crônica, a magazine for
members, is “to hallow and Christianise the institutions of the peoples, of
science, culture, civilisation, politics, the arts and social relations.”
Because of the high degree of members’ allegiance to Opus Dei and its religious
agenda, their work in the public sphere breaches the church-state division that
is fundamental to modern democracy. It is essential, then, to monitor the
organisation’s undertakings in secular arenas -- a task made difficult by the
fact that individuals’ membership is often undisclosed to the public.
Since John Paul II became pope in 1978, Opus Dei has
increasingly thrown its considerable might into the pope’s reactionary
programme on sexuality and reproductive health. Today the organisation focuses
virtually all its resources in this area. So closely has it identified itself
with the pope’s struggle that when the Swiss community of Le Paquier, Fribourg,
opposed the construction of an Opus Dei seminary there, Opus Dei member Edgardo
Giovannini blamed the opposition on “a strong and active group that would not
accept the papal politics of the family?1
Asked in a 1993 interview whether the Vatican had entrusted
a special task to Opus Dei, the organisation’s Rome spokesman, Giuseppe
Corigliano, replied succinctly, “Europe.”2 With strategic precision, the
organisation has concentrated its European activities in vital areas:
forming among academics through frequent conferences; the foundation of
research institutes across the continent; involvement with the medical
community including construction of two hospitals; grassroots activities
against legal abortion; and above all, a political presence at the highest
levels of governments and European institutions, completing a direct line from the
Vatican to the secular heart of Europe (see sidebars, Opus Dei IN PUBLIC Policy
In a Class by Itself
▪ Opus Dei (“Work of God”) was founded in 1928
by Father Josemaría Escrivá.
▪ In 1982 Pope John Paul II conferred on the
organisation the status of “personal prelature,” with the full name Prelature
of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei.
▪ Opus Dei is the only organisation with this
▪ A personal prelature amounts to a worldwide
diocese, independent of local bishops, with its head reporting directly to the
The almost military nature of this operation is reflected
in the words of the head of Opus Dei, Monsignor Javier Echevarría, to a Family
Congress in 1994: “A few days ago the Pope spoke in Rome. . . about the
necessity of setting up a new ‘Maginot line.’ He suggested that a ‘great wall’
should be erected to keep out the hedonist consumerism that threatens to invade
the developing countries. You well know that this hedonism is often expressed
by an aggressive antinatalist drive.”3 It is against this “drive” that Opus Dei
has erected its line of defence in Europe.

Has the Vatican entrusted a special task
to Opus Dei? A spokesman for the group answers succinctly: “Europe.”

Octopus Dei
Opus Dei, whose name means “Work of God,” has just over
80,000 members worldwide. Its power, however, is out of all proportion to this
relatively small total. From its origins, Opus Dei has worked in academic
circles, nurturing a highly educated elite. Spurred on by the organisation’s
message of sanctification through work, members aspire to the highest positions
in society. The professions in which Opus Dei is strongest, particularly in
Europe and South America, are the media, medicine, the judiciary, education
(especially at the university level), and, above all, high finance and
The Constitutions of Opus Dei require members to obey the
pope in all things and to obey Opus Dei authorities in all things insofar as
they regard the organisation. According to the Constitutions, all members must
be “disponibili,” that is, at the disposition of the organisation, each
according to his or her personal circum stances. Members also are required to
proselytise -- that is, to propagate Opus Dei’s interpretation of Catholic
morality “in a constant doctrinal and catechetical apostolate which should be
suited to the particular needs of those among whom they live and work”
(Constitutions, Rule 114). The Constitutions also instruct members to focus
their efforts on people with influence in civil society -- intellectuals and
those of high office or status (Constitutions, Rule 116) .4
Opus Dei Membership
Dei membership ranges across 80 countries and totals more than 80,000 according
to the Vatican yearbook Annuario Pontifico
edition of AP
edition of AP
Membership Categories*
▪ Numeraries enter
a permanent contract called “the fidelity” (similar to vows, but Opus
Dei eschews that term) of poverty, chastity (celibacy), and obedience, and they
live in Opus Dei gender-segregated communities, while often holding jobs in the
secular world. Numeraries donate their salaries to Opus Dei and receive a
stipend in return. They are required to have or be capable of obtaining a
doctorate, although the women work in the domestic administration of male
communities. An underclass of women numeraries, called auxiliaries, is
dedicated full-time to cooking and cleaning. Numeraries make up 20 percent of
total membership.
▪ Associates,
generally for family reasons, do not live in Opus Dei communities. Like
numeraries, they enter a contract or “legal bond” effectively equivalent to
vows of poverty, chastity, and obeDience.
Supernumeraries, the majority of Opus Dei members, are married. This
is considered a lower rank than that of numerary.
▪ Priests in
Opus Dei, many of whom come from the ranks of the numeraries, belong to Opus
Dei’s Priestly Society of the Holy Cross.
▪ Cooperators
support Opus Dei through prayers, donations, and other activities, but they
are not strictly considered to be members.
Walsh, The Secret World of Opus Dei (London:
Grafton, 1989) / Opus Dei (New York: HarperCollins, 1989),
chapter 5.
top Vatican spokesman, Joaquín Navarro-Valls, who is a member of Opus Dei,
demonstrated one of the ways in which those loyal to the organization use their
professions to advance Opus Dei. According to The New Yorker, in 1993, “Navarro-Valls’s
secretary called several Vatican correspondents, leading them to think that they
would get an interesting story if they appeared at the spokesman’s house a
couple of months hence. But when the reporters arrived at the house they were
treated to a recruiting film for Opus Dei.”*
* David Remnick, “The Pope in Crisis,” The
New Yorker, Oct. 17, 1994.
newsletters and conversations with members reflect a culture that places much
emphasis on advancing traditional church teachings and Opus Dei objectives
through the professional lives of members. Although the organisation neither
claims nor acknowledges responsibility for the activities of its members, the
nature of members’ commitment to Opus Dei makes their professional activities
and the organisation’s agenda virtually impossible to disentangle. Yet Opus Dei
admits at most only to providing spiritual support, for example, by posting
chaplains to work at educational institutions or nongovernmental organisations
(NGOs) run by Opus Dei members.
Opus Dei’s strategy of influencing the influential explains
the organisation’s focus on recruitment of stu dents, intellectuals,
professionals, and the wealthy. It also accounts for the stringent financial
demands placed on Opus Dei members, many of whom receive a modest stipend in
exchange for turning their salaries over to the organisation or making Opus Dei
the sole beneficiary of their wills. Opus Dei also supports itself through the
operation of business enterprises, either directly or indirectly, through its
members. Opus Dei expert Michael Walsh has suggested that Opus Dei linked businesses
have been so successful that, when the Banco Ambrosiano collapsed in 1982, Opus
Dei offered to bail out the Vatican Bank (which was inextricably linked with
Ambrosiano) and pick up 30 percent of the Vatican’s annual expenditures,
possibly in exchange for the pope’s agreement to confer the special status of
personal prelature on the organisation.5
Opus Dei achieves its goals by applying huge concentrations
of resources in strategic areas. This is nowhere more evident than in Opus Dei’s
crusade against a modern understanding of sexuality and reproductive health.
At a grass-roots level, innumerable initiatives have been
launched throughout Europe:
▪ Opus Dei
“schools for parents” offer a curriculum based on Opus Dei’s ideology of
“family values,” including total rejection of contraception, abortion, and
homosexual relationships.
▪ Propaganda and
lobbying on a mass scale are carried out through “prolife” movements founded or
led by Opus Dei members or sympathisers such as the Meyer family in France and
Carlo Casini, a member of the European Parliament (MEP) and president of
Italy’s Movement Pro Vita.
▪ Research
institutes on bioethics, sexuality, and reproductive issues run by Opus Dei
members have sprung up all over Europe and are coordinated by the Vatican’s
Pontifical Council for the Family (PCF). Opus Dei-linked institutions were well
represented at a 1995 PCF meeting of Higher Institutes of Study on Marriage and
the Family and Bioethical Centres. Participants adopted the recommendation that
the institutes engage in “skilled use of the means of social
communications” [their emphasis] and collaborate with other religions on “the
shared values of the Natural Law tradition which is under challenge today.”6
▪ Opus
Dei-linked higher education institutions of all kinds hold scholarly events on
the organisation’s traditionalist perspective on reproduction and sexuality.
In addition to academic meetings, Opus Dei and Opus Dei
associates hold numerous other antiabortion or family conferences all over
Europe, often with powerful patronage from the worlds of politics or the
Reproduction, and Women -- An Ideology
Opus Dei’s expression of its views on sexuality and
reproduction rivals the Vatican’s in its ferocity and frankness.
▪ on contraception:
Opus Dei refers to “the intrinsic evil of systems of birth control inasmuch as
they disfigure the nature of human sexuality.”7 Father Lino Ciccone, an
academic close to Opus Dei, declares contraceptives “the first step on a way of
death” and says users are guilty of “grave sin... of a seriousness and weight
which are difficult to quantify but certainly enormous.”8 Contraceptives are
also linked to marital failure:
“If divorce in Western countries affects 35 percent
of couples, it is only 3 percent among couples who only use natural methods of
birth control,” claims Francois Geinoz, the director of the Opus Dei-linked
Limmat Foundation.9 Sounding a common theme among Opus Dei members that
family-planning programmes are a form of “neocolonialism” Geinoz suggests that
participants from developing countries see family planning “as new American
methods for exercising power on the masses of the South.”’10
▪ on
abortion: Opus Dei considers abortion murder, and members work to limit its
legality or accessibility. To this end, Opus Dei has elaborated an ideology of
argu ments cloaked in scientific language, presumably to buttress the Vatican’s
arguments in purely secular terms. A doctor close to Opus Dei -- G.J.M. van den
Aardweg of the Opus Dei-linked MEDO Institute (recently succeeded by the
International Theological Institute for StuDies on Marriage and the Family) --
speaks of “the problems a woman is faced with after abortion” and says that
“various research projects show how in such situations a strong sense of guilt
takes over, often accompanied by a series of psychic and moral problems.”1'
▪ on in
vitro fertilisation: Commenting on in vitro fertilisation at an
Opus Dei symposium on “the Dignity of Human Life,” a speaker, Doctor W.J. Eijk,
told participants that “the ends of progress do not always justify the means
▪ on
families: In a talk entitled “Real and Unreal Families,” Dr. van den
Aardweg held forth on “the current tendencies which aim to transform the
concept of the family and harness it to various forms of non-matrimonial
relationships, for which legal recognition is demanded.”
▪ on
homosexuality: In one of his many writings on homosexuality, Dr. van den Aardweg
cites, approvingly, a woman who claims to have been “totally cured” of her
lesbianism, which she describes “as an amputated leg, which can never come
back. “‘14
▪ on AIDS:
Another MEDO Institute doctor, Dr. Joannes P.M. Lelkens, claims to have proven
that the condom is not sufficient protection against the AIDS virus.’5 His
article met with a storm of protest from other medical experts in the Italian

chief activity for Opus Dei women is domestic work, and the organisation has
set up schools for domestics worldwide.

These, then, are some of the fundamental ideas of Opus Dei’s
ideology of sexuality and reproductive health. Opus Dei spokespersons in this
field are almost always men, often priests and celibates. Women, in fact, play
a strikingly subordinate role within the. organisation, and some of the views
on women expressed by members appear to come from another age. Although a women’s
branch of Opus Dei was set up a few years after Opus Dei’s founding as a male
institution in 1928, women have always been second-class members. The sexes are
strictly segregated, in, living arrangements and in roles. ‘For example, women
cannot participate in the election of the organsation’s leader.

believe that sexual harassment comes to those who invite it. Some women go
around dressed in such a manner that they attract that kind of, approach.”
Dr. Clementina Meregalli Anzilotti, speaker at an Opus Dei conference

Although some Opus Dei women achieve doctorates, the chief
activity for Opus Dei women is domestic work. As one of its principal
activities, the organisation has set up schools for domestics worldwide. Women
trained in these establishments are then employed as maids in Opus Dei centres,
including those for celibate men. “Women’s” work is glorified and romanticised.
Opus Dei founder Father Josemaría Escrivá expressed his view of women in a
single line of his book of slogans, El Camino “Women needn’t be scholars
-- it’s enough for them to be prudent.” The glorification of subservient roles
for women sup ports Opus Dei’s policy of excluding women from power; Escrivá
once told the women who cleaned the floors at the organisation’s University of
Navarra, in Pamplona, Spain, “I would not be able to say what is more important
-- your task or that of the Directive Committee,” which runs Opus Dei16
Deportment and modesty are among the subjects on the
curriculum for female members of Opus Dei; there is no equivalent for men. The
organisation’s antimodern views of women could be seen as comically quaint. For
example, the theme of a conference held by the Opus-Dei-linked Business Spouses
Association of Dublin, Ireland, in 1994 was ‘Home Technology -- Family Friend
or Foe?” The event looked at the “impact of television on family intimacy” and
the “psychological implications of the habit of ‘virtual reality.’”17
The founder of Opus Dei was much preoccupied with female
modesty, and regular events are held for Opus Dei women on the subject of “Christian
fashion.” At a conference for women university students at Opus Dei’s centre at
Grottaferrata, near Rome, a participant asked a speaker about sexual harassment
in the workplace. Dr. Clementina Meregalli Anzilotti, a neurologist at the
Hospital of San Carlo in Milan, replied, “I believe that sexual harassment comes
to those who invite it. Some women go around dressed in such a manner that they
attract that kind of approach. If we were more careful about our way of
speaking, not sliding into dirty talk, if we took more care in our way of
dressing, not descending to low-cut clothes, then, I believe, these problems
would be eliminated at the root.”18
Opus Dei organisations and members attempt to apply their
standards for women’s roles not just to Opus Dei members but to the world at
large. The organisation accuses women’s rights advocates of “hyperfeminism” --
a term coined by demographer Gerard-François Dumont, a professor at the
Sorbonne. Opus Dei members claim “hyperfeminism” aims at “assuring women,
independently of their specific characteristics and assets, of a power in
society which goes much further than the power of men.”19 This is
contrasted with “good feminism,” sometimes called “new feminism,” which “guarantees
. . . the same dignity to men and women”20-- a concept compatible
with the most traditionalist concepts of gender and the terminology the Vatican
favours. According to François Geinoz, director of the Opus Dei-linked Limmat
Foundation, “hyperfeminism’ was implicit in the title of the fourth chapter of
the Cairo Platform for Action; ‘Gender Equality, Equity and Empowerment of
Women.” In a lecture on the Cairo conference, Geinoz declared that fighting
discrimination against women ‘does not mean resolving the problems in terms of
power, giving women a masculine ‘power.”22
At the Heart of Europe
Dei advances its agenda for sexual and reproductive issues on a number of
fronts and through a variety of strategies. The ultimate aim of all of these
endeavours is to gain political power so that its moral agenda might be
enshrined in public policy and legislation.
The organisation is already well-placed through the
political power of its members and sympathisers in parliaments and governments
(see sidebar, Opus Dei IN PUBLIC Policy). Opus Dei has traditionally been
linked to the right, not to say the extreme right, the most notorious example
being its members within Franco’s cabinet.2' France and Italy are
home to some Opus Dei sympathisers who have been particularly well placed in
▪ Hervé Gaymard,
deputy for Savoie in the National Assembly, and the minister of health and
social security, is close to Opus Dei. Gaymard was an advisor to Jacques
Chirac’s electoral campaign and is the son-in-law of the late Jerome Lejeune.
▪ Raymond Barre,
deputy for Rhone and mayor of Lyon, is also close to Opus Dei. Barre testified
in the beatification process of Opus Dei’s founder, his friend Monsignor
▪ Prince Michel
Poniatowski, a member of the French Senate since 1989, is considered close to
Opus Dei.
▪ Christine
Boutin, deputy for Yvelines and a member of the right-wing Union pour la
Democratic Francaise, is also considered close to Opus Dei. Appointed by Pope
John Paul II to the Pontifical Council for the Family, Boutin wages her
personal crusade against ‘the new holocaust” by continually proposing
legislation to outlaw abortion.24
In Italy:
▪ Member of
Parliament (MP) Ombretta Fumagalli Carulli, of the right-wing Centro Cristiano
Democratico party, is close to Opus Dei.
▪ MP Alberto
Michelini, a liberal federalist, is a member of Opus Dei. Michelini recently
lent his support to the ultraconservative Committees for the Defence of Family,
Natural and Christian Order, which in October 1995 submitted a petition with
136,000 signatures to the European Commission protesting the European
Parliament’s acceptance in 1994 of a report that advocated the eradication of
discrimination against lesbians and gays in member states and proposed the
legalisation of homosexual unions. The petition, which Michelini signed,
demanded that the European Commission issue a binding directive against legal
homosexual unions in member states.
▪ Opus Dei
recently courted the Alleanza Nazionale, the former Italian Fascist Party. In
an interview published in Studi Cattolici, a magazine close to Opus Dei,
party leader Gianfranco Fini declares, ‘I am on the Pope’s side,” and aligns
himself against abortion and with John Paul II’s vision of “the culture of
▪ In 1994, the
Residenze Universitarie Italiane (RUI), the Opus Dei organisation for Italian
university students, promoted a petition against the preparatory document for
the United Nations International Conference on Population and Development --
the “Cairo conference” of 1994. The petition was submitted to Italy’s president
and prime minister but received its most enthusiastic support from the Alleanza
Nazionale minister for agriculture, Adriana Poli Bortoni, who issued a press
release in its favour. Bortoni’s press release, stamped “Press Office of the
Holy See,” was later distributed to journalists by the Vatican Press Office,
run by Opus Dei member Joaquin Navarro-Valls. An extraordinary letter from
Italy’s president to the prime minister, urging opposition to legal abortion in
Cairo, was due in part to the RUI petition and another petition, signed by one
thousand Italian academics, that was also organised by Opus Dei members.26

Constitutions of Opus Dei instruct members to build contacts with intellectuals
and those of high office or status.

Opus Dei also has maintained a constant presence in the
European Parliament and European Commission. Of MEPs close to Opus Dei,
a pivotal figure is Carlo Casini, who is close to the pope and belongs to the
Vatican’s watchdog body on reproductive health and sexuality, the Pontifical
Academy for Life. A lawyer, Casini heads the EP Committee on Legal Affairs and
Citizen’s Rights. This position takes on particular significance in the light
of legislation Casini is promoting in Italy as president of Movement Pro Vita.
The legislation would modify the first article of the Italian Civil Code to say
that “every human being possesses juridical capacity from the moment of
conception.” According to the movement’s spokesman, Pier Giorgio Liverani, this
proposal already has the support of the five Christian parties and the Alleanza
Nazionale.27 Casini is also active in European Parliament
proceedings on reproductive health, genetics, and the family, in 1994, after
the United Nations’ Cairo conference on population, Casini proposed a
resolution celebrating the Cairo consensus but highlighting four concerns that
closely matched, the Vatican’s view of Cairo. The European Parliament rejected
most of his proposal but followed his lead in adopting a resolution stating that
abortion is not a method of birth control, essentially reiterating a point
already stated in United Nations documents.

progressives help a worker to become the boss (where possible), whereas Opus
helps the same worker to become the best of workers.”
-- a
critic of Opus Dei

There is no question that Opus Dei members see themselves
locked in battle against “antinatalist” forces manipulating the United Nations
and the European Union. That they see themselves in partnership with the pope
in this campaign is apparent from the similar ways in which Opus Dei and the
Vatican approach and speak of international events such as the recent UN
conferences on population and development, in Cairo in 1994, and on women, in
Beijing in 1995.
The Vatican’s attitude toward the conference on population
was captured by Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujilló, the president of the Pontifical Council for the Family, when he
said ‘The battle begins in Cairo.” That war cry was echoed by Opus Dei member
Pier Giovanni Palla, director of the study centre of an Opus Dei organisation
called the Istituto per la Cooperazione Universitaria, a development NGO. “The
Strategy of the UN Is Against the Family,” declared ~the title of an article
Palla published in the July 1994 Studi Cattolici, the Italian monthly
close to Opus Dei. Palla wrote of “the offensive the Vicar of Christ has
launched against clear and hidden manipulators of conscience.” Hinting at the
identity of these “manipulators of conscience,” he referred to the “powerful of
the Earth,” those who possess the
ideological and financial control of the great international organisations and
the politics of aid to the developing countries.” First among these, Palla
said, was US president Bill Clinton.

few members disclose their complete allegiance to Opus Dei and its religious
agenda, their work in the public sphere effectively breaches the church-state

Members of Opus Dei organisations participate in
international conferences to lobby national delegates -- and they lobby
vigorously. ‘They consider the ‘EU position hard to influence because the
European Union is represented by the delegates of the country that happens to
hold the presidency, and is therefore never representative: it was Germany in
Cairo, Spain in Beijing, and Italy in Istanbul in 1996, at the Second UN
Conference on Human Settlements. Francois Geinoz, director of the Opus
Dei-linked Limmat Foundation, disparaged the Spanish EU Delegates at Beijing as
a ‘hyperfeminist.”28
To combat such Delegates, Opus Dei has actively promoted
the appointment to government delegations of its members and others sympathetic
to Opus Dei’s hard line on reproductive health. It was rumoured at Cairo that
when the Vatican needed more allies, unsympathetic delegates from Central and
South American countries were dismissed and replaced with Opus Dei members who
would heed the Vatican line. Certainly the majority of the countries that
allied themselves with the Vatican were those in which Opus Dei has a strong
political presence -- for example, Argentina, Peru, Guatemala, Honduras, Malta,
and the Philippines.
Opus Dei members also advance their worldview at the
grassroots level, through the many organisations they operate. One critic
described the Opus Dei approach to development -- at least in Peru, where Opus
Dei is powerful -- as following Opus Dei founder Escrivá’s strict concept of
unalterable hierarchy: “The progressives help a worker to become the boss
(where possible), whereas Opus helps the same worker to become the best of
workers.”29 More importantly, Opus Dei’s presence in the development
field wins members a place in the discussions at UN conferences and an entrée
to lobby international institutions such as the United Nations and the European
Union. Some of the more significant Opus Dei-linked organisations involved in
development work are described here:
▪ Istituto per
la Cooperazione Universitaria (ICU), which is mentioned repeatedly in Opus
Dei’s semi-internal bulletin Romana, is one of the largest
organisations, with offices in Rome and Brussels. As of 1993, its projected
emergency aid programmes ranged from Peru to Albania and the former Soviet
Union, and its activities generally followed the work pursued by Opus Dei in
Western Europe. Its budget for 1993 was $4.8 million, of which only 10 percent
came from private sources, while 85 percent was from public sources, including
the European Union (the remainder being self-financed) .2' Only eight of its
twenty-two salaried staff members are’ to be found in developing countries.2'
ICU sponsors an annual international conference in Rome, for university
students from around the world, attracting about five thousand participants.
The guest of honour in 1993 was former Philippine president Corazon Aquino.
Philosophically, ICU adheres to the Opus Dei hard line on issues of sexuality
and reproduction.
▪ The
Association for Cultural, Technical, and Educational Cooperation (ACTEC) is a
Belgian development organisation. Its budget for 1993 was $867,000, of which 30
percent came from private sources and 70 percent from public funds, including
the European Union.32 ACTEC works in seven countries in central
Africa and South America.33
▪ The Limmat
Foundation, a Swiss organisation accredited to the European Union, operates in
central and eastern Africa, South America, Southeast Asia, and the countries of
the former Soviet Union. Ummat’s stated specialisation is in “projects of
professional formation, especially of women,” Its budget for 1993 was $880,000,
most of this being privately funded (78 percent) and a significant share of it
being selffunded (20 percent), with only 2 percent of funding coming from
public sources.~ This funding base is owed to Limmat’s links to the Europe-wide
network of banks operated by Opus Dei members or sympathisers. Through its
board members, Limmat is directly linked to the Banco Popular of Spain, the
Nordfinanzbank of Zurich, and the Rhine-Danube Foundation, which also funds
Opus Dei activities and itself receives EU funding.
The Limmat Foundation states that it ‘has neither a political nor a religious
character,”35 but the projects Limmat funds are linked to Opus Dei.
One of these, in Peru, is the Condoray Women’s Training Centre, whose criteria
for selecting women leaders smack of Victorian ideas of ‘the deserving poor”:
“They must be mothers.... They must have a well-constituted family. . . They
must be ‘economically stable.”36 To mark the UN conference on women,
a special issue of Limmat’s magazine, Familie und Erziehung, “defended
not only the advancement of women, but also the right to life and family
▪ The
Hanns-Seidel Foundation, based in Germany, is accredited with and receives
funding from the European Union. The foundation is linked with the CSU (the
Bavarian Christian Democrat) party of the late Fritz Pirkl, who was in the
European Parliament and served on the boards of directors of Hanns-Seidel and
the Rhine-Danube Foundation. Together with Limmat, Hanns-Seidel has funded Opus
Dei’s extensive operations in the Philippines, including the Centre for
Research and Communication. The centre’s “self-declared task is to form the
future economic and political elite of the country,” writes Opus Dei critic
Peter Hertel.38 “Under President Corazon Aquino, Opus members have
put a decisive stamp on the country’s Constitution.”39
▪ Progredi is an
Opus Dei-linked international foundation based in Brussels (not accredited with
the European Union as’ an NGO). One of its board members is Gian Mario
Roveraro, Opus Dei member, owner of the Milan-based merchant bank Akros, and a
financial advisor to the Vatican. Progredi says its aims include “the elevation
of material and spiritual well-being” and “contributing... to an improved economic,
social and cultural development in any country and, in particular, developing
countries. “40
his 1989 book The Secret World of Opus Dei, Michael Walsh speculated
that “the zenith of Opus Dei’s fortunes has been reached -- and may have been
passed.”41 The current evidence suggests that, on the contrary, Opus
Dei is enjoying increasing activity and influence. The growth in its membership
during the first half of this decade and the regularity with which it opens new
centres and ordains new priests are evidence of the strength behind the
organisation’s relentless work around the globe. With their membership in Opus
Dei usually undisclosed, the growing ranks of academics, doctors,
parliamentarians, government ministers, judges, and journalists give the
Vatican a powerful, hidden force that toils to impose its moral code not just
on Catholics but, through legislation and public policy, on the population at
Working the Media
its particular spin on events with in the European Union, Opus Dei has its own
news service, Europe Today.* The service is run by Andrés Garrigo, who is also
on the Academic Council of the Robert Schuman Institute of Journalism, a
traditionalist Catholic organisation. Europe Today specialises in “health,
social problems and education.” It prints a weekly bulletin of the same name in
French, Spanish, and English for distribution in developing countries,
particularly in South America. A typical pronouncement in the bulletin:
methods of birth control are 99% effective,” while “artificial” methods
are only 50% safe. Europe Today, which does not bear the Opus Dei name,
receives a subsidy from the European Commission.
* Le Monde
Diplomatique, Sept. 1995,
p. 23.
Opus Dei in Public Policy
Members of national parliaments who are friends of Opus Dei have included:
▪ Dr. Marilies
Flemming, former family minister
▪ Vinzenz
▪ Dr. Alöis
Mock, former minister of foreign affairs
▪ Raymond Barre,
mayor of Lyon and parliamentarian
▪ Christine
▪ Hervé Gaymard,
minister of health and social security
▪ Prince Michel
▪ Graf Alöis von
▪ Adriana Poll
Bortoni, former agriculture minister1
▪ Ombretta
Fumagalli Carulli
▪ Alberto
▪ Mota Amarall
▪ Roberto
Carneiro, former education minister
▪ Amara da
Costa, a founder of the extreme right-wing Partido do Centro Democratico
Social--Partido Popular (CDS-PP)
▪ Oliveira Dias
▪ Hernan Lopez, former
economic minister
▪ Enrico de Melo
▪ Jorge Miranda
▪ Pedro Roseto
▪ Silverio
Marluns da Silva, a CDS-PP founder
▪ Gaspar Arino
▪ Isabel Tocino,
minister for the environment
▪ Frederico
Trillo, president of the Congress
Members of the European Parliament (MEP5) close to Opus Dei have included:
▪ Francoise
▪ Fritz Pirki
(now deceased)
▪ Kurt Malangre
▪ Otto von
▪ Graf Alöis von
Waldburg-Zeil (former MEP)
▪ Carlo Casini
▪ Alberto Michelini
(former MEP)
▪ Enrico de Melo
▪ Jose Ignacio
European Commissioners who are friends of Opus Dei have Included:
▪ Jacques
Santer, president of the Commission
▪ Marcelino
Oreja, a member of Franco’s cabinet during the early
Opus Dei sympathisers on government Delegations to UN conferences include:
▪ Carlo Casini: EU delegation to the International
Conference on Population & Development (Cairo, 1994)
▪ Ireria
Kowaiska: Vatican ‘Delegation to the Fourth World conference on Women (Beijing,
▪ Dr. Andreas
Laun: Austrian Delegation to Cairo
▪ Dr. Monika
Pankoke-Schenk: German Delegation to Beijing,
1. Bortoni was among the most
enthusiastic supporters of the peititon of an Opus Dei student organisation
against the Cairo conference, and her press release on the petition was issued
under the stamp of the Vatican press office (see text). The Vatican Press
office is run by Joaquin Navarro-Valls, who has been identified as a member of
Opus Dei (see sidebar, “Recruitment, Opus Style”}.
Organisations Linked to Opus Dei
Research Institutes linked to Opus Dei include:
▪ the Institut
für Medizinische Anthropologie und Bioethik (IMABE), now an official
Institution of the Austrian Bishops’ Conference, Vienna
▪ the Institute
for Family Development, Dublin
▪ the Institute
of Sciences for the Family, Pamplona, Spain
▪ the
International Theological Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family,
Gaming, Austria, which opened in January 1997 as the successor to the MEDO
Institute (Institute for the Family and Marriage), which had been in Rolduc,
the Netherlands. Researchers associated with the institute have included Dr.
G.J.M. van den Aardweg and Dr. Joannes P.M. Lelkens.
▪ the JerOme
Lejeune Foundation, Paris
▪ the Swiss
Society for Bioethics! Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Bioethik, Zurich
Opus Dei-linked institutions of higher education Include:
▪ Libero
Istituto Universitario Campus Bio-Medico, a teaching hospital built by Opus Dei
in Rome
▪ the
high-profile Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Ia Empresa (Institute for
Higher Business Studies), Barcelona, which, according to Opus Dei literature,
collaborates with Harvard University1
▪ University of
Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, including its teaching hospital
Opus Dei’s “schools for parents” include:
▪ Associations
for Family Orientation, Spain
▪ Family and
Education Association, Switzerland
▪ Young Family
Initiative, Germany
▪ a
correspondence course for parents offered by the Institute for the Sciences of
Education at Opus Dei’s University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain
Other Opus Dei-linked Institutions and organisations include:
▪ Association
for Cultural, Technical and Educational Cooperation (ACTEC), Belgium
▪ Aurach Centre
of Cultural Formation, Munich
▪ Centro Romano
per Incontri Sacerdotali (CRIS), a centre for priests, Rome
High ranking church officials who have worked at CRIS include Pope John Paul
II, then Cardinal Karol Wojtyla of Krakow, Poland, and Cardinal Alfonso Lopez
Trujillo, then auxiliary bishop of Bogota, Colombia
▪ Hanns-Seidel
Foundation, Germany The late Fritz Pirkl (Died 1994), who served on the board
of directors of Hanns-Seidel, also served In the European Parliament and on the
board of the Opus Dei-linked Rhine-Danube Foundation
▪ Istituto per
Ia Cooperazione Universitaria (ICU), Rome and Brussels
The secretary-general of ICU, Opus Dei member Umberto Farri, was formerly the
foreign minister of Italy and is a board member of the Limmat Foundation
▪ Limmat
Foundation, Zurich. In addition to funding development projects, Limmat
publishes a quarterly magazine, Familie und Erziehung. Limrnat’s
officers include or have included:
* Francois Geinoz,
director and general secretary, an Opus Dei member
* Hanns Thomas, board
member, a leading Opus Dei member in Germany (his brother, Father Rolf Thomas,
ranks high in the Opus Dei hierarchy in Rome)
* Umberto Farri, board
member, Opus Dei member, and former Italian foreign minister and secretary
general of ICU
* Arthur Wiederkehr,
of Zurich, one of Limmat’s original board members, who left the foundation in
1985; past member of the boards of Nordfinanzbank (Zurich) and of Roberto
Calvi’s now defunct Banco Ambrosiano (Milan)
▪ Progredi,
▪ Rhine-Danube
Foundation, Germany
▪ Zonnewende
Centre for Meetings, the Netherlands
Publishing ventures linked to Opus Dei Include:
▪ Edizioni Ares,
Milan, Italy, which publishes the works of Opus Dei founder Escriva
▪ Europe Today,
news service
▪ Studi
Cattolici, an Italian monthly run by Opus Dei members and friends
European banks linked to Opus Dei Include:
▪ Banco Popular,
Nordfinanzbank, Switzerland
▪ Akros, Italy
Opus Dei-linked movements against, legal abortion include:
▪ Movement Pro
Vita, Italy
* President, Carlo
Casini, member of the European Parliament
* spokesperson, Plergiorgio
▪ the
Association for the Family (APF), launched in France in 1994 and working
virtually throughout Europe
* founders, Professor
Jean-Marie Meyer and his wife Anouk (nee Lejeune) members of the Pontifical
Council for the Family
1 DominIque
le Tourneau, What is Opus Dei? (Cork: Mercier Press, 1987), p. 96.
Names Often Associated with Opus Dei
Dr. GJ.M. van den Aardweg
▪ connected with
the MEDO Institute, Rolduc, the Netherlands (now the International Theological Institute
for Studies on Marriage and the Family, Gaming. Austria)
▪ appears
regularly at Opus Dei-linked events across Europe
Carlo Casini
▪ frequent
contributor to Opus Dei publications
▪ member,
European Parliament
▪ member, the Pontifical
Academy for Life
▪ president,
Movement Pro Vita, Italy
Jerome Lejeune (died AprIl 1994)
▪ leading French
Opus Dei member, from France’s premier Opus Dei famiIy dynasty
▪ advisor to the
United Nations on genetics and the biological effects of radiation
▪ member,
Institut de France and the French Academy of Medicine Lejeune spent the last
months of his life campaigning on the basis of antiabortion ideology for or against candidates to the
prestigious French scientific associations to which he belonged, even to the
extent of being whisked from his deathbed by ambulance to vote against “the
▪ member of the
Pontifical Academy for the Sciences -
▪ an associate
of Pope John Paul II and the one at whose suggestion the pope created the
Pontifical Academy for Life
▪ first
president, Pontifical Academy for Life
Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo
▪ president,
Pontifical Council for the Family
▪ longtime
friend of Opus Dei
▪ worked during
the early 1970s at CRIS, the Opus Dei-Iinked centre for priests in Rome
▪ close
collaborator of Pope John Paul II, with whom he worked at CRIS
▪ named a
cardinal by Pope John Paul II in 1983
▪ former
archbishop of Medellin and former auxiliary bishop of Bogota, Colombia
▪ president,
Conference of Latin American Bishops (CELAM), 1979-83
Professor Jean-Marie Meyer and Anouk Meyer (nee Lejeune)
▪ members of
Opus Dei and of France’s premier Opus Dei dynasty, the Lejeune family
▪ members,
Pontifical Council for the Family
▪ founders,
Association for the Family (APF), which opposes legal abortion throughout
▪ led the French
Families’ pilgrimage to Rome, October 1995
Professors AndrzeJ Poitawaki and Wanda Poltawska
▪ close to Opus
▪ old friends of
Pope John Paul II from Krakow
▪ members, Pontifical
Council for the Family
▪ Wanda
Poltawska is a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life
1 “Opus ne renonce pas,” KIPA
(Zurich), no. 164 (13 June 1989), p. 14.
2 Recorded interview with
the researcher of this report.
3 Romana (Rome),July-Dec.
1994; p. 336; Romana is the internal news bulletin of Opus Dei.
4 Michael Walsh, The
Secret World of 0pus Dei (London: Grafton, 1989), published in the United
States as Opus Dei (New York: HarperCollins, 1989 with 1992 afterword).
Chapter 5 examines the Constitutions in detail.
5 Walsh, citing Jose Maria
Bernáldez, Tiempo, 1 Aug. 1983; Coleman, Washington Post, 6 Dec.
l985;John A. Coleman, “Who Are the Catholic Fundamentalists?” Commonweal, 27Jan.
6 “Second PCF Meeting with
Institutes for the Family and Bioethics,” in Familia et Vita, l’ontifical
Council for the Family, March 1995, Rome, p. 27,
7 Romana, July Dec. 1990, pp. 265-66. The quoted phrase
was the theme of a conference in Santiago, Chile, in November 1990, on Humanae
Vitae, the 1968 encyclical condemning birth control.
8 Father Lino Ciccone.
writing in Studi Cattolici, Oct. 1996.
9 Francois Geinoz, “Le
dédale des pyramides,” text for lerture on the 1994 Cairo Conference,
unpublished manuscript, p. 12. Geinoz cites a survey carried out in Austria but
does not say who carried out the survey.
10 Ibid., p. 39.
11 Romana. Jan-Jun. 1998, p. 107, paraphrasing Dr. van den
Aardweg’s comments at a symposium on “The Dignity of Human Life,” held at Opus
Dei’s Lonnewende Centre for Meetings, 17 Feb. 1993.
12 Romana,Jan.-June 1993, p. 107, reporting on “The
Dignity of Human Life” (note 11).
13 Rornana,July-Dec. 1994, p. 330, quoting Dr. van den Aardweg
at Opus Dei’s Aurach Centre of Cultural Formation, Munich.
14 Patient’s quote, from Dr. G.J.M. van den Aardweg, Homosexuality
and Hope: A Psychiatrist Thinks about Treatment and Change (Ann Arbor, MI: Servant
Books, 1985), translated and updated as Omocessualitd e Speranza (Milan,
Italy: Edizioni Ares, 1995).
15 Dr. Joannes P.M. Lelkens, writing in Studi Caflolici, Nov.
16 Quoted in “Opus Dei: ‘I.e Chemin mene a Rome,’” Le Canard
Enchainé, Paris. Sept. 1982.
17 Romana, Rome,JuIy-Dec. 1994, p. 331.
18 Dr. Clementina Meregalli Anzilotti, “Mcxli e Moda, Documenti
di Lavoro [Deila Rondaeione RUI), Rome, April 1994.
19 Quoted in Geinoz (note 9), p. 15
20 Ibid., p. 15.
21 Ibid., p. 16.
23 Ibid., p. 16.
23 See, e.g., Walsh (note 4), multiple references.
24 “Christine Boutin: la passionaria,” Goisas, Paris,
May-June 1995, p. 56.
25 Nicola Guiso, “Gianfranco Fine ‘Jo Sw Col Papa,’” ,Studi
Cattolici, July 1994, pp. 443-47.
26 Carlo Casini, “Le Cinque Questioni di Cairo,” Studi
Cattolici, Nov. 1994, p.699.
27 Pier Giorgio Liverani, interview with the researcher of this
28 Geinoz (note 9).
29 Quoted in Pierre Abromavic, “Amérique Latine: La Reconquista
de l’Opus a l’Oeuvre!” Gollasi no. 30 (Summer 1992), p. 145.
30 Figures are from The Directory of Non-governmental
Organisations Active in Sustainable Development, Part 1: Europe; Development
Centre of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris,
1996, p. 488.
31 Ibid.
32 Ibid., p. 63.
33 Ibid., p. 63.
34 Ibid., p. 145.
35 Limmat Foundation Annual Report 1995, p. 19.
36 Janina Ghiglino, director of the social development
programmes at the center, quoted in Changing Mentalities (Zurich: Limmat
Stiftung, 1995), p. 179.
37 Limmat Foundation Annual Report, p. 18
38 Peter Hertel, “Seidel, Sin and Opus Dei -- A
Christian.Catholic Connection,” manuscript.
39 Ibid.
40 Progredi statutes.
41 Walsh (note 4), chapter 9.
needn’t be scholars -- it’s enough for
them to be prudent.”
-- Opus Dei
founder Josemaría Escrivá
Links to the Vatican
The liberal views on sexuality and reproductive health that prevail
in Europe today are characterised by Pope John Paul II as reflecting a “culture
of death.” The struggle against this culture has become the main thrust of John
Paul’s pontificate. To this end, he has founded three organisations, under the
auspices of the Vatican, to promote and coordinate not only church teachings
but also long-range activities in the political arena. Opus Dei plays a
dominant role in each of these organisations:
The Pontifical Council for the Family, established in
1981. The council’s mission is to promote “the pastoral care of families so
they may carry out their educative, evangelising, and apostolic mission and
make their influence felt in areas such as defence of human life and
responsible procreation according to the teachings of the church.”1 The current
president, Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, is one of the closest collaborators
of the pope, with whom he worked during the early 197Os at Opus Dei’s centre
for priests in Rome. During this papacy, Lopez Trujillo has risen more rapidly
than any other church dignitary.
Members of the Council are chosen by the pope and include:
▪ Doctor
Jean-Marie and Anouk Meyer, Opus Dei members; Anouk Meyer, the daughter of
Jerome Lejeune (below), belongs to France’s premier Opus Dei dynasty
▪ Professors
Andrzej Poltawski and Wanda Poltawska, close to Opus Dei and old friends of the
pope from his Krakow days
The Committee for the Council for the Family includes:
▪ Cardinal Lucas
Moreira Neves, archbishop of São Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, president of the
Brazilian Bishops’ Conference, and a powerful Opus sympathiser
Consultants to the Council for the Family include:
▪ Carlo
Caffarra, Archbishop of Ferrara Comacchio, who is close to Opus Dei and who has
been involved in all three of these Opus Dei-linked Vatican bodies
▪ Rev. Juan
lgnacio Arrieta, an Opus Dei member
▪ Rev. Ramón
Garcia de Haro, an Opus Dei member
▪ Bishop Klaus
Kung of Feldkirch, Austria, an Opus Dei member who, before becoming a bishop,
headed Opus Dei in Austria; appointed by the Austrian Bishops’ Conference as
Bishop for the Family
▪ Polish
theologian Tadeusz Styczen, close to Opus Dei
▪ Christine
Boutin, French member of parliament, close to Opus Dei
The Pontifical Academy Pro Vita (Pontifical Academy for
Life), an advisory body composed primarily of scientific professionals,
working closely with the Pontifical Council for the Family. Members are
nominated by the pope and selected “without any religious . . . discrimination”
but must sign the Declaration of the Servants of Life and “pledge themselves to
act in conformity with the Magisterium of the Church.”2 The academy acts as an
information network, and members intervene in local public life at a word from
the Holy See. The academy was found ed in February 1,994 after the venerable
Pontifical Academy for the Sciences (whose members are appointed for life and
take no pledge of adherence to Vatican doctrine) refused to accede to the papal
point of view on population issues. The academy Pro Vita is the brainchild of the
pope’s right-hand man on life issues: Jerome Lejeune, who was an advisor to the
United Nations on genetics and the biological effects of radiation and a
leading Opus Dei member in France. As the academy’s first president, Lejeune
recruited members until his death in 1994. Of the first forty members named,
more than half are members or sympathisers of Opus Dei. They Include:
▪ the current
president, Professor Juan de Dios Vial Correa, an Opus Dei member
▪ Archbishop
Carlo Caffarra
▪ Carlo Casini, member,
European Parliament; president, Movement Pro Vita, Italy
▪ Professor
Gonzalo Herranz Rodriguez,
director of bioethics at Opus Dei’s University of Navarra, in
Pamplona, Spain, and author of the Pontifical Council for the Family’s 1991
report criticising RU-486.3
▪ Birthe
Lejeune, Professor Jérôme Lejeune’s widow (honorary member)
▪ Professor
Wanda Poltawska, who with her husband also belongs to the Pontifical Council
for the Family
▪ Reverend
Tadeusz Styczen
▪ Professor
Wolfgang Waldstein
The John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and
the Family, created in 1982 as an annex of the Pontifical Lateran
University, in Rome. The institute works closely with the Pontifical Council
for the Family. Uniquely for a Vatican body, this institution has branches in
Washington, DC; Mexico City; Guadalajara, Mexico; and Valencia, Spain.
Archbishop Carlo Caffarra has served as president of the institute.
Beyond these organisations, too, Opus Dei enjoys favour with
the Vatican.4 Especially during the current papacy, the Vatican appoints Opus
Dei members to important episcopal positions and has made Opus Dei a growing
presence in the Roman Curia, the administration of the church.
1 Felician Foy, ed., 1995
Catholic Almanac (Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Div.,
1995), p. 148.
2 Annuarlo Pontifico (Citta
Dei Vaticano: Libreria Edltrice Vaticana, 1996), p. 1875.
3 Orgins 21:2:28-33
(23 May 1991>.
4 A profile of Opus Dei in
the traditionalist magazine Inside the Vatican says Opus Dei Is
"considered by many the single most powerful force in the Church today”
and lists among Its “friends” several high-ranking Vatican officials:
Cardinals Joseph Ratzlnger, prefect of the congregation for the Doctrine of the
Faith; Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, president of the Pontifical Council for the
Family; Angelo Sodano, the secretary of state; and Angelo Felici, prefect of
the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. Antonio Gasparl, "A New 'Way’
for the Church?” Inside the Vatican, June-July 1995.
Catholics for a Free Choice, an independent not-for-profit
organisation, is engaged in research, policy analysis, education, and advocacy
on issues of gender equality and reproductive health. Working in the Catholic
social justice tradition, CFFC is affiliated with Catholic Organizations for
Renewal, the Women-Church Convergence, and the European Network/Church on the
Navarro-Aranguren, Ph.D., chairperson
Briggs, M.A.
Cancio, M.A.
Milhaven, S.T.D.
Moran, Ph.D.
Radford Ruether, Ph.D.
Wilderotter, B.A.
Wysocki, R.N.C., B.S.N., N.P.
for a Free Choice
U Street NW, No. 301 Washington DC 20009 USA
(1-202) 986-6093 fax: (1-202) 332-7995 e-mail: cffc@igc.apc.org
por el Derecho a
/Amôrica Latina
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Cristina Grela
polo Direlto de
/ Brazil Rua Conde de Irajé, 16-cj.O1 Vila Mariana
São Paulo, SP Brazil phone/fax: (55-11) 575-6036 e-mail: cddbz@ax.apc.org
Maria José F. Rosado Nunes
por el Derocho a
/ Mexico
Postal 21-264
04021, Mexico DF Mexico
(52-5) 554-5748 fax: (52-5) 659-2843
María Consuelo Mejía
Researched and written by Gordon Urquhart.
1997 by Catholics for a Free Choice. All Rights Reserved.
Published 1997.
~ Printed on Recycled Paper